Carpe Noctem (Once a Thief/Kindred: The Embraced series)

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Title: Carpe Noctem
Author(s): Lianne Burwell
Date(s): September 1999-2002
Length: ~179,000 words
Genre(s): slash, crossover
Fandom(s): Once a Thief/Kindred: The Embraced
External Links: Carpe Noctem (Lianne's Homepage)
Book One: San Francisco Meetings (TER/MA)
Book Two: Dancing On A Wire (TER/MA)
Book Three: Never the Twain (TER/MA)
Book One - Three (Sanguine: Slash Vampfic Archive)
cover by The Theban Band

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Carpe Noctem is a Vic/Mac Once a Thief/Kindred: The Embraced crossover series by Lian Burwell. Author's notes:

Over the summer of 1999, Space (the equivalent of the SciFi Channel in the States) was showing the eight episodes of Kindred: The Embraced. Finally, I got to see Ivan Sergei's appearance as Zane, the out of control Toreador. It started me thinking. Around the same time, I finished Book Three of the Drowning Sorrows universe and was looking for a new OAT idea.

The Theban Band made a fanfic cover for the series.


Book One: San Francisco Meetings. A trip takes the gang to San Francisco where mistaken identities cause problems and a tragedy leads to a change of life for one of the team.

Book Two: Dancing On A Wire. Vic learns that training doesn't always cover everything and Mac meets a charismatic thief with her own agenda.

Book Three: Never the Twain. Mac adjusts to his new life, while a heat wave brings a series of murders to Toronto and a familiar face returns.

  • Chapter One. The calm before the storm.
  • Chapter Two. A serial killer is stalking Toronto.
  • Chapter Three. The investigation begins.
  • Chapter Four. An unexpected visitor creates complications.
  • Chapter Five. Mac faces some consequences and Jackie goes on the prowl.
  • Chapter Six. Exploding phones and a pattern emerges.
  • Chapter Seven. The boys attract the wrong attention and a new clue appears.
  • Chapter Eight. Secrets, encounters, and matters become more urgent.
  • Chapter Nine. Paths are converging.
  • Chapter Ten. A new murder brings new revelations.
  • Chapter Eleven. Jackie lectures on adjusting and Mac discovers that confession is good for the soul.
  • Chapter Twelve. Jackie is missing.
  • Chapter Thirteen. Mac tries to use the pendant to find Jackie, and LiAnn makes her presence known.
  • Chapter Fourteen. Everything starts to converge.
  • Chapter Fifteen. The final confrontation.
  • Epilogue. Deep breath, it's over.

Recs and Reviews

"It took me forever to finally be able to get into this series. The main reason was that I got over my vampire fascination when I was a teen. There seems to still be remnants of it lurking around in my psyche, however. [...] I think I just had to take the time to sit down and really get into the fic. Plus, I think I was waiting for Mac to get turned into a vamp too. At this point in the story things are really coming to a head. A mysterious plot point that was only hinted and teased at early on is now being solved. So things are really starting to get interesting in this fic. I've coming to really like it and I'm always so happy when I see a new part has been posted. I'm really looking forward to seeing where Lianne takes this fic, now that I've let myself get sucked into it. Should be interesting. Oh, this fic is heavy on OAT, with plenty of vamp stuff thrown in from the Kindred fandom. Ivan Sergei, who played Mac, had a role on Kindred once. So it was something used to draw the two fandoms together. A link if you will, albeit a small one. Definitely a series worth checking out."[1]

"This is a OAT/Kindred crossover. Mostly M/V but there is some Cash/Mac also. Warning:Some angst, but not too bad. This is slash fiction."[2]

Also noteworthy is Lianne Burwell's Carpe Noctem, a Once A Thief/Kindred: The Embraced Crossover that I thought would be bad, but sucked me in. I do so love those long drawn out serials that remind me of a soap operas. Plus the fact that it takes Vic and Mac a million years to finally shag is good too.[3]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs - X-Overs. (Accessed 23 December 2011)
  2. ^ Fanfic Recs and other interesting links. (Accessed 23 December 2011)
  3. ^ Amand-r's Page O' Giggles and Furies: 2001 Recommendations. (Accessed 21 September 2014)