Care of Magical Creatures

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Title: Care of Magical Creatures
Author(s): mia madwyn
Date(s): October 2, 2007 - Mar 16, 2009
Length: Epic 300,379 words (67 chapters)
Genre(s): Romance/Drama, Angst, Humor, Lemons, Rated R, Marriage Law
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Care of Magical Creatures at FFN
Care of Magical Creatures at Ashwinder
Care of Magical Creatures at The Petulant Poetess

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Care of Magical Creatures is an epic Snape/Hermione fanfic by mia madwyn. It's considered one of the "classic" Snape/Hermione fics and one that uses the Marriage Law trope.


MLC-Seventh Year student Hermione Granger decides to marry the one eligible wizard who did not ask for her-the horrid but powerful Severus Snape.


The story was voted Best New Author (Lumos), Best SS/HG Romance (Amortentia) and Best SS/HG Angst (Diffindo) in The New Library Awards.

Comment, Reviews & Recs

As of April 12, 2016: the fic has 3,352 reviews, 3,412 favorites and 1,108 follows on FFN, at Ashwinder the fic has 1761 reviews, and on The Petulant Poetess it has 2862 reviews and 962 favorites. It is one of the most recced Snape/Hermione fics.[1][2][3][4][5]

"Epic fic is EPIC!!! First there is the Marriage Law challenge (which is epic unto its self); then there is Hermione's balance of magic and Christianity; Snape's balance of saving Hermione, the Slytherin's in his house and his own life; the search for the horcruxes; and how everything finally ties together."[6]

"Comments: This is one of the best Marriage Law Challenge fics I have ever read."[7]

"With non-canon couples, I have to be saying "yeah, that's how it'd happen." This does that. Brilliantly."[8]

Very interesting story, I know many have already read it but for some reasons I have been put off, until I finally did. And it's good, very good. I personally really love the characterizations, it's difficult for a fic to go so far from norm and have the characters at all different without it becoming an OOC fest. It was not the most honest portrayals of the characters nor was it the worst. But rather than being utterly OOC they were just slightly different versions then themselves. On the whole a very interesting fic, which I loved reading, even with its differences from canon.[9]

OH MY GOSH so a while back I was asked what my favorite fanfiction was and this was the first one that came to mind, although it had been a while. So, I decided to revisit it and it is one of the best that I have read. This fic is so full of angst (which as you know, I love) and the characterization is done really well. There really is never a dull moment, and for those who love lemony fics, this is for you too. There are as always a few things about the fic that I believe could have been better, but overall no complaints. I really can’t express it’s greatness so just go read it![10]

This is a completed Marriage Law Challenge fic where Hermione is forced to marry while still at Hogwarts and her choices are dismal. So she decides to take matters into her own hands and asks Professor Snape to marry her. This is a pretty dark fic but there are many moments where the darkness is completely burned away by blinding light. The love that our favorite couple ends up sharing is so intense in its passion that it's almost scary. There was one point were I really did cry... I know it's really corney but there you have it.

(If you want to look for that part: keep an eye out for a depressed George that comes out of his funk after an unusual encounter with Hermione and Severus almost at the end of the tale.)

I definitely give this fic a 10 out of 10. It is beautifully written and has an amazing plot with plenty of twists and turns and so much emotion. Besides whenever a fic contains a list created by Hermione that's called "Ways to make Professor Snape's life easier" with sub-lists called "must avoid doing" and "ways to please" and it's not absolutely ridiculous but very thoughtful and endearing then the author's doing something right.[11]

This was the first ever Severus and Hermione fanfic I read. It made a Snanger believer out of me. Hermione and Snape marry so she can fulfill her part for the Marriage Act. So. I re-read it this week and I can’t lie. It is possibly one of the very best. It filled my heart to bursting, it did. The story is lovely. They are rather in character to be honest. Hermione has her ditzy moments but for the most part she works.[12]

Another “we have to get married!” (I think there may have been a challenge somewhere, and a lot of fills.) Has a unique Hermione backstory, with a bit of a Christianity flavor to it. While the Hermione characterization isn’t precisely one I would favor, the Voldemort is a fantastic construction of villainy that I’ve seen no where else (and is incredibly uncomfortable to read, and not at all for the reasons you’re thinking).[13]


  1. ^ Rec at SnamioneFicRecs
  2. ^ Several people recced CoMC HERE
  3. ^ Shaya Recs (Updated page)
  4. ^ Again, some rec it on here
  5. ^ Another rec here with many others
  6. ^ 30 Day Shipper Meme - Random Days by n e star. 01 November 2012. (Accessed April 12, 2016)
  7. ^ Fenro at TVTropes Fanfic Recs
  8. ^ Eddie at TVTropes Fanfic Recs
  9. ^ "Care of Magical Creatures, Hermione/Snape". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.
  10. ^ "August 31, 2017 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.
  11. ^ "May 9, 2009 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.
  12. ^ "Recommended reading for Snape x Hermione Fans". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.
  13. ^ "Do you have any Snape/Hermione fic recs?". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.