Bulma and the Bad Man

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Title: Bulma and the Bad Man
Author(s): Severe_Minx
Date(s): 20 January 2022 - 22 November 2023
Length: 68,133 Words
Genre(s): Romance/Comedy
Fandom(s): Dragon Ball
External Links: On Archive of Our Own

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Bulma and the Bad Man is an Explicit Bulma Briefs/Vegeta Het multi-chapter fic for the Dragon Ball fandom. It was written by Severe_Minx during 2022 and 2023 to explore Dragon Ball Z's Three Year Gap period and how Vegeta and Bulma could've gotten together during that time. The fic is well regarded by its readers.

Bulma Briefs, handsome, clever, rich, with a comfortable home and a happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence and had lived sixteen years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.

First Sentence of Bulma and the Bad Man

Dear reader,

Yes, that first sentence is taken from Jane Austen’s Emma.

I woke up one morning compelled to pay a tribute to my original OTP. Twenty years ago, when DBZ was airing in my country for the first time, Future Trunks revealed who his parents were, leaving me puzzled, a question concerning my two favourite characters burning in my mind: “How did Bulma and Vegeta get together?” Since the show gave me no answers, in my naivety I took this question to the internet and thus found out about the world of fanfiction. Needless to say, my innocence was lost forever. Over the years I have devoured many, many stories about Vegeta and Bulma during the infamous ‘three year gap’. It made me wonder how I would tell the story. As a result, this is my small offering to the fandom, to the pairing that started it all. My story is by no means original, but rather an amalgamation of theories, assumptions, fandom lore and repeated themes compounded over the years, strung together in a way I found entertaining and somewhat canon compliant. I hope you will enjoy my endeavour and feel free to leave me a comment.

With love,

Minx's Author's Note on Bulma and the Bad Man

Some common tropes seen in Bulma and the Bad Man relate to smut, such as Birthday Sex and Cunnilingus, as well as Slow Burn, Angst, Masturbation and Unplanned Pregnancy. Yamcha, Dr. Briefs, Panchy Briefs, Tights Briefs, Piccolo, Trunks Briefs, Krillin, Android 18 and Chi-Chi also play roles in the fic.


A great ending to a wonderful story! This has become one of my all time favourite 3 year gap fics (and one of my favourite Vegebul fics in general). You are such a talented writer and I definitely hope to read more from you in the future. I enjoyed every minute, thank you.[1]

What a wild, sexy and hilarious ride. I adore that you wrapped it up with the little collar and bell!! (=ↀωↀ=)

Grats on completion!![2]

YUP. I went right back and read it all over again, at a more sedate pace this time which allowed me to even more greatly appreciate the characterisation and all the juicy details. Everyone feels so real I just want to chew on them. <3 <3 <3[3]

References/Further Reading

  1. ^ Comment by AO3 user HelloBritty31, Thu 23 Nov 2023
  2. ^ Comment by AO3 user bunnyrobot, Sun 26 Nov 2023
  3. ^ Comment by AO3 user Nemhaine42, Mon 18 Dec 2023