Broken Bow

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Title: Broken Bow
Author(s): Xed Alpha
Date(s): January 17 - June 22, 2010
Genre(s): adventure
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians, later crossover with Artemis Fowl
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Broken Bow is a 2010 Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfic and later series centered on Apollo, Artemis, and an original character (Armani). It has received over 2,000 favorites on, is Ghost Writers Approved, and received the Veritas OC Award. The series has 5 books and two extras.


An old fool's vengence forces Apollo to keep a huge and possibly devestating secret from Artemis for over a decade, a deception that she may never be able to forgive him for. Winner of the Veritas OC award. Ghost Writers Approved. Beta by Shrrgnien.

Broken Bow

Reactions and Reviews

This without a doubt for me has to be one of the best PJO Fanfics that are out there at the moment. All of the characters in the story are well balanced and do not have the mary sue problem most PJO Fanfics do. Not much knowledge is needed to read this book just a general idea of the universe would do (watching the movies). One thing that the another is very good is the use of perspectives, also i felt an astounding amount of empathy for the main character, and relay haven't found this in another fanatic. This theme has been tried many times however this fic does not stick with any of the old chicles that have been formed around this idea, has a really good reason as to How the Armani is able to exist without breaking on of the main rules in this universe.

Red Rath[1]

This is the best PJO fanfiction I had ever read. It's amazing. Your characterization of Armani, the character interactions, the emotions and the feels. . . everything was perfect. Every few months, I come back to this brilliant masterpiece to experience the tragic adventure again and every time it is just as spectacular as before. Thank you for writing this.


I just wanted to say that I come back and read this story every...two years or something? Every once in a while I remember this fic and I'm like "it really was the best fanfiction I've ever read, I should go back to it". And I mean the whole series, from this one till book 5. Considering that a lot of wild things happen including but not limited to: virgin goddess having a son, time travel, meeting with Artemis fucking Fowl, almost destroying the fabric of space and time... If someone only gave me a summary of these events, I would have thought this was a crackfic or something but this is seriously so well written. Your OC Armani is one of the best written characters I've seen and you truly deserve an applause for making me come back and read this story over and over again!


This is one of the most cliche, overused premises in the PJO Fandom, right up there with the “Annabeth betrays Percy” and “Percy is the god/titan/spirit/whatever of insert cool title here”. I never imagined that I would actually read, let alone ENJOY, any story with a premise like this. You have proved me completely and utterly wrong. Thank you for that.

The characterizations were splendid overall. Dove came pretty close to being a stereotypically “cool” OC at times, but all his dialogue was just so witty, yet with just that hint of dorkiness that made me fall in love with the original PJO Series. Apollo and Artemis were wonderfully written as well. I was surprised at how sincerely you managed to convey a sense of mourning in them without things getting too depressing. A couple of the Hunters were cookie-cutter “man-haters” with no real personality shown, but they were so minor of characters they almost had to be.

The action was very entertaining: enough tension and over-the-top stunts to keep me (heavily) invested, but enough snarky narration to keep it grounded.

I was not prepared for the feels. They were deep. Really deep. Enough said.

This might just be the best PJO fanfiction I’ve read. Wonderful. I wish it’d been part of the canon. Thank you for sharing this story with the world. Have a wonderful day.

Orion's Left Arm[4]

The concept driving this story is so easy to get wrong, not to mention difficult to handle appropriately in all its core aspects, but I think you pulled it off quite admirably. It's almost a shame that it is non-canon as of The Lost Hero, the revenge of Midas against Apollo was pretty twisted and maliciously ironic.

I also think this story might have had more impact had Armani died. Nothing against the character, but it would have fit in with the tragic mythology of Artemis and those she loved. The story DID seem to be working up towards a tragic ending. But the ending to this story felt... not bad, but a little lacking in uncertainty or conflicted feelings. Or perhaps tension is the word I'm looking for. After all, Armani IS a major, irrevocable change to the status quo.

With that said, the doom and gloom is brightened up by well-placed and well-written humour throughout. In a way, you seem to have enjoyed writing these moments to accentuate just how outlandish and over-the-top the whole story is, without making the story seem ridiculous, in a manner of speaking.

Overall, it was a joy to read. I actually feel a bit sad for having now read it, as I know I'll be hard-pressed to find another story like this, handling the same subject matter with the kind of wit, intelligence and humour worthy of Rick Riordan's modern mythological stories.


It's amazingly well-written, and has an awesome plot. The reason I mention this here is because in in the fourth story, A Boy Named Artemis, it crosses over into Artemis Fowl-land when Armani lands in alternate universe. Wait, are those fairies? Like I said, it's a really good story, but part with Artemis Fowl is a small section in a much larger fanfiction, and only takes up five (admittedly quite long) chapters. So, good if you're a already a PJ fan and want a bit of Artemis Fowl stuff, but if you've never read Percy Jackson it'll be pretty hard to figure out what's going on.



  1. ^ Rec by Red Rath on (2013)
  2. ^ Review by Exstatic on (2020)
  3. ^ Review by Animiaa on (2019)
  4. ^ Review by Orion's Left Arm on (2018)
  5. ^ Review by snowman1989 on (2015)
  6. ^ Rec by FadingLight on Artemis Fowl Confidential's forums (2015)