Brief Encounter (Carol Aird/Florence Zimmermann fanfic)

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Title: Brief Encounter
Author(s): ShadowHaloedAngel
Date(s): May 6, 2019
Length: 2,148 words, one chapter (complete)
Genre(s): f/f (Carol Aird/Florence Zimmermann)
Fandom(s): Carol, The House with a Clock in Its Walls
External Links: Brief Encounter, Archived version

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Brief Encounter is a romantic gen f/f fic by ShadowHaloedAngel about a meeting of the fictitious characters Carol Aird and Florence Zimmermann that turns into a road trip.

Author's summary:

In the middle of winter, Florence finds herself stranded in Detroit after a shopping trip to the city. Just as she gives up on the last bus home, a pale car glides out of the night like a ghost and a beautiful stranger offers her a lift.

Brief Encounter, Archived version

Since both characters were portrayed by Australian actress Cate Blanchett in their respective movies, the fic is a same-actor crossover.

The story is the sixth installment of ShadowHaloedAngel's series One Night about Carol's and Florence's relationship.[1] In 2021, WarandLove made a fan poster for the series and gifted it to ShadowHaloedAngel.[2]
