Breaking and Entering

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Title: Breaking and Entering
Author(s): romanitas
Date(s): December 1, 2013
Length: 11,672 words
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians
External Links: FFN

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Breaking and Entering is a gen and Percabeth fic by romanitas.

Reactions and Reviews

This is an OLD one, but one that I feel like influenced the PJO world quite a bit 10 years ago - it was originally on


This story was absolutely beautiful and wonderful and so so satisfying. It's something I really wanted to see in the books. The campers meeting up outside of quests and camp. I love all their interactions and each one was written so in character I'm amazed you aren't Rick Riordan. It was so funny how Clarisse used her dorm as a safe house and practically led the monster to Annabeth. And how Leo came to Annabeth for the two geniuses to discuss and the involvement of Jason in it. Frank was so cute! He wouldn't even sit on her bed without her permission. Just imagine him standing there waiting for her to come back. And the Percy interactions. Oh, my percabeth heart sings for it. It was beautiful and sweet and funny and realistic and just such warmth I felt like I was getting hugs.


I absolutely adore this! One of my most favorite oneshots ever. I don't know what exactly it is about this fic or how you did it,, but somehow you captured everyone's personalities perfectly. I loved everything about this and reading it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and put a smile on my face!

the real AnnaBAMFchase[3]

I love how you took a premise that pretty much lends itself to pairing fic, but do such a great job spinning it into so much more. It's great that Annabeth's relationships with all the various cast members get a fair amount of screen time and we are treated to the different interactions with her friends. I love that you stay within the canon universe (given the temptation of so many fics to stray once the characters are in the mortal world, this is a pretty rare find!) You blend the mythology and magic elements beautifully into the mortal setting. The characterisation is spot on for all the characters. It's a real treat for me since I love all of them!



  1. ^ In conversation on Discord, 2023. Quoted with consent.
  2. ^ Review (2018)
  3. ^ Review (2014)
  4. ^ Comment and Rec (2017)