Boy Falls From the Sky

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Title: Boy Falls From the Sky
Author(s): lc2l
Date(s): September 4, 2011
Length: 32k+ works
Genre(s): Alternate Canon, Fusion
Fandom(s): The Social Network
External Links: AO3, LJ

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Boy Falls From the Sky is am Eduardo-centric fanfiction by lc2l. It is a Same-Actor Crossover based on Andrew Garfield, who plays both Eduardo Saverin in The Social Network and Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man – however, it was written before the first TASM movie was released. It is an alternate canon story that generally follows the plot of The Social Network, but Eduardo also deals with developing superpowers and secretly becoming the superhero Spider-Man. The story contains the pairings Eduardo Saverin/Mark Zuckerberg (endgame) and Christy Lee/Eduardo Saverin.

Summary: In which Divya Narendra is an evil mastermind, Sean Parker seems like a supervillain and Eduardo can't go to Palo Alto because he's too busy in New York being Spiderman.

The fic was written for The Social Network Big Bang, and has a Trailer created by elipie.


This fic is appallingly cool. It takes two preposterous storylines and intertwines them so well - I just love everything about it. I'm glad it came out before the Spiderman movie did, because that leaves the author free to weave in and out of the Social Network plot line, and the way it changes (and stays the same) due to this added element. Ugh. My new fav.[1]


  1. ^ massive fic duuump by mostlyrockit in ficrecs-ftw, Feb. 12th, 2012