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Title: Boxing
Author(s): Annie Sewell-Jennings
Date(s): 1999 or before
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links:
online at Haven

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Boxing is a MSR story by Annie Sewell-Jennings.

Author's Notes

I fell in love with "The X-Files" in the summer between the third and fourth seasons. I have adored the show since then, from its intricate characters and plots to the exquisite writing. Everything about the show appealed to me. This season, I'm feeling mild apathy toward it, wishing for episodes like "One Breath", "Pusher", "Paper Hearts", and the movie to resurface... And occasionally, they do. I loved "Triangle", "Tithonus", "Monday", and "Trevor", and I've actually found some great episodes popping up toward the end of the season. I'll keep watching because I do love the show, and because when "The X-Files" is done right, it is divine.

But this story is for those that just can't do it anymore, because I love them and cherish the friendships behind the show, the silliness, and the stories. I love you all dearly, and I'm finding comfort in the knowledge that friendships last longer than the run of a television show. And this is dedicated personally to Kristin Pohaski. Even though we've had some rough times lately, I put faith into us, because through all the madness and the chaos, this friendship is all that matters in the end.

Thanks to Heather Stone for beta-reading this vignette for me - you go, girl.

Reactions and Reviews

An amazing story about how the series could end; I'd say it's how the series *should* end, but we all know it wont--thankfully we get the best of all words, we will get CC's ending in May and we get this wonderful 'ending' now :) [1]

If the show had to end, this would be a great way to end it. <sniff> Can you believe it's been 6 years since these characters walked into our lives? [2]
