Bitter Aloes

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Title: Bitter Aloes
Author(s): Anne Ellis (Audra McHugh)
Date(s): late 1990s
Genre(s): Slash, Darkfic, Non-con
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
External Links: archive link via the Wayback Machine

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Bitter Aloes by Anne Ellis is a story in Doctor Who fandom, focused on the Doctor/Master pairing, specifically the Fifth Doctor and Ainley!Master. It is a darkfic, that includes themes of non-con and BDSM. During the 1990s it was the center of much discussion and wank, and is the reason that the fanfiction archive Panatropic created a separate "Adult" section.

Reactions and Reviews

It’s not longfic, but it is certainly a fandom classic originally published in the 1990s, where it swiftly became controversial and infamous. This is probably the earliest fic I’ve found of these two that is explicitly slashy, and deserves a place for that reason.[1]

And Bitter Aloes will fuck you up, in the good, high collar, hitch in your get-along way.[2]


  1. ^ "Ultimate Doctor/Master Reclist (1/?)". Archived from the original on 2023-09-03.
  2. ^ "I worship at Audra's feet". Archived from the original on 2024-03-12.