Best Performance By

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Title: Best Performance By
Author(s): Marissa Edwards and Sally-Ann Maslen
Date(s): August 1998
Length: part one is 146K, part two is 126K
Genre(s): RPF
Fandom(s): X-Files RPF
External Links: online here

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Best Performance By is a very early X-Files RPF story by Marissa Edwards and Sally-Ann Maslen.

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.

Author's Notes

Author's summary: "Summary: Take a couple of actors and a couple of FBI agents. One pair is enroute to a Hollywood awards ceremony and the other to a law enforcement conference. What happens if they both end up in the wrong place?"

This tale began life back in the early months of 1997. Marissa had an idea for a story but needed a little help to get started. I was experiencing a rare burst of creativity and volunteered. Various real life issues meant the writing took us much longer than originally planned and then inexplicably; I lost contact with my co-writer earlier this year - leaving the story almost, but not quite finished. After battling a few more of those real life demons I have completed it and present it now for your enjoyment.

Reactions and Reviews

...this is to everyone who has issued a blanket rejection of David/Gillian stories, I just want to feel clear on what exactly people say they find offensive, whether it is that the stories deal with real people, or the content of the stories, specifically anything libellious, or mature (or immature depending on how you see it :) content....

I don't know if anyone here ever read 'Shipper School'? and I'm sorry I don't remember the authors of that particular work, but it was a very funny parody involving txf writers, and it certainly didn't go beyond the bounds of good taste in it's humour.

A story that was mentioned here 'Best Performance By' (as I said earlier) does not in any way imply any impropriety between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, and if you can imagine the writer perceiving them having a friendship based on professional respect much as many fans here perceive the relationship between Mulder and Scully, then I think that is what is portrayed in this story in a very respectful way.

I realise that someone has said that these stories don't properly belong on this newsgroup, although I would have thought that crossover stories, if they involved TXF, FM or DS etc would be within the bounds of this NG's purpose, although obviously a story that had nothing to do with TXF wouldn't.

I would be sorry if we were taking an approach that denied the fundamental differences in approach between the stories that I might find objectionable if they were prurient in nature involving real people, and the kind of stories I have offered as examples here.

I for one would be very sorry if either of the two stories above were never written, never posted. I would never have been allowed to see that the authors of these works show us an adult appreciation of how two people as actors might behave with dignity and respect for one another despite their differences, and in a stressful situation, (like being thrown into the xf universe and having to confront the CSM :) not to mention going to an awards ceremony.[1]

Actor fic creeps me out because there is something very voyeuristic and unhealthy about wanting to write about real life people when it's not for the purpose of a legitimate biography. There's is only one IMO which manages to pull it off and very well at that. It's 'Best Performance By'. by Marissa Edwards and Sally-Ann Maslen. (on The Annex) It's extremely funny to read and the authors use of the 'actors' never overstep the boundaries of what DD and GA let us see of themselves during TV appearances.In other words it is clear from the start that the 'actors' are written like fictional characters. Not GA and DD but a slightly parodic image of them. I can't resist telling you a bit more about it, it's really worth reading. And if you're as creeped out as I am by this 'Homewrecker' stuff, you may want some nice well written fic for the weekend. The story is about Mulder & Scully swapping place with GA and DD. The bewildered agents find themselves in Los Angeles among the 1013 crew about to go to the 1997 Golden Globes while GA and DD end up in Portland within the X-Files universe.

Some great scenes:

Mulder and Scully having to pose for the famous 'morgue' US mag photo: Scully: " Just because we're both lying half-naked in a freezing morgue pretending to be characters in an alternate universe doesn't mean I can't find a way of enjoying myself."

Gillian nonchalantly walking up to Cancerman and stealing one of his cigarette."...mmmm...I prefer something milder."

CC - having found out that he's *really* dealing with M&S - watching them and wondering if they're going to be able to pull it off for the ceremony: "They were just looking at each other. Trouble was, anyone who knew Duchovny or Anderson well would notice something astray. They stood just a little too close, spoke just a fraction too slowly, eyed everyone just a little too suspiciously, and they watched each other just a little too much."

Made me go: "Awww...bless.":-) [2]

A fairly recent story (and the longest one I've read) is "The Best Performance". It's actually a XF/real-life crossover. I know there are a few others like that. Then, there are a couple of stories that have Mulder and Scully watching as DD and GA win Golden Globes, SAGs, Emmys. I think I can dig those up fairly easily if you want. Finally, I recall one story about a party at the end of the show (from a dog's point of view?) and another about DD and GA having a relationship before Piper is born (which was not very well received). I'm not sure where I can find those, but you can ask around. Let me know if you'd like me to dig up the stories -- but go and read "The Best Performance" in the meantime (posted in August, I think). [3]
