Best Laid Plans (Shadowhunters story)

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Title: Best Laid Plans
Author(s): SuperficialPeasant
Date(s): 2018 - 2019
Length: 131,321 words
Genre(s): Slash
Fandom(s): Shadowhunters
External Links: AO3

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Best Laid Plans is a Shadowhunters story by SuperficialPeasant focused on the pairing of Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane. It is an alternative meeting for the pairing where they meet before canon.


When a High Warlock looking to end his celibacy streak meets a Shadowhunter after no-baggage thrills, the two make a deal: anytime, anywhere, no strings attached.

Reactions and Reviews

the high warlock of brooklyn meets a shadowhunter and decide to have a no strings attached relationship. except – no strings attached? yeah right.[1]

Politics, magic, and fallible, flawed adults still making responsible decisions. Also contains character growth, plot that sneaks up on you, and a lot of sex.[2]

Ahh another author I recommend just about ever piece of ART they create. You will be seeing a lot of them on this list, and I am not going to apologize for it. This piece was also an earlier read for me, so I don't remember my exact initial reaction. It is a Fuck-Buddies to FWB to Lovers au, but it so much more than that honestly.[3]

it’s a canon rewrite, essentially. the malec relationship starts pre-canon and it changes so much. one of the tags is “63794102 things change when you put Clary Fray in a holding cell” and that’s literally what made me click on the fic. as you can probably tell from that tag, there’s a bit of clary bashing (very little though). also i love this characterization of alec. he’s so much more confidant and there is way less gay panicking with him and magnus. there’s a fair amount of well-written smut too.[4]

It’s so so so well-written and I love the whole confident!Alec thing it has. It’s definitely quite explicit, though, so if smut is not your thing, maybe give it a skip. That being said, the storyline is amazing and the writing is beautiful.[5]

I’ll always come back to this DEEPLY satisfying story of intrigue, authority, prejudice, support - and my favourite depiction of bad-ass, hot-as-hell Malec![6]

super sexy + heartaching fic rec: best laid plans by @superficialpeasant[7]

This story explores what might have happened if a sexually confident and active Alec had met Magnus while looking to relieve some tension before canon started. Hot, well written. I couldn’t put it down, and it’s one that I go back to whenever I need a Malec fix but I don’t have time to sift through what’s on offer.[8]
