Best Laid Plans (Harry Potter story)

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Title: Best Laid Plans
Author(s): irana and unbroken_halo
Date(s): January - July 2010
Length: ~72,700 words
Genre(s): Draco/Neville slash
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Best Laid Plans at the Neville Big Bang Archive

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Best Laid Plans is a Harry Potter fanfiction story by Irana and Halo written for the Neville Big Bang. It was beta'd by eeyore9990, leela_cat, and angela_snape.

At 72,700 words, the story far exceed the 10,000 word minimum imposed by the challenge. It is an explicit Draco/Neville fic rated NC-17 and has numerous warnings, including slash, flangst, first time, and bisexuality. Summary: Neville's plans to restore the Malfoy gardens before Draco's upcoming nuptials are disrupted when he falls in love with the groom.

The story remained incomplete when Irana passed away in March 2010. Halo wrote about her decision to complete the fic in Irana's memory:

See the thing is this, irana and I signed up to do the nevillebigbangl together. When she started feeling ill, we had spoken about possibly postponing or even dropping out. She didn't want to do that though. Writing Neville brought joy and laughter to her, and so we wrote.

For the past few days I have been seriously considering bowing out of the fest, because of not having her there with me. However, I think that it is for the best that irana's last works be shared with everyone. Both gifts she left me are fics we were collaborating on and both center around Neville. After hording them on my computer, reading and crying over our notes on them, I came to a decision.

I have to finish them and share them with you all because irana would have wanted it that way.[1]


  1. ^ unbroken_halo. Surfacing to say thank you. 22 March 2010. (Accessed 21 November 2011.) [emphasis in original]