Battling Temptation

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Battling Temptation
Author(s): BCW
Date(s): 04/10/97
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: AO3
Archived on BCW's Home Page

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Battling Temptation is a Jim/Blair story by BCW.

Reactions and Reviews

Think of the final scenes of [the episode] My Brother's Keeper and you can picture Jim and Blair in tuxedos. Now put them in a swank hotel gathering and you have the premise behind Battling Temptation.

Between work and the university, Jim and Blair have had no time for sex for 3 days. On the one night Blair thinks they do, Jim reminds him of the guard detail at the Councilor's Ball. He drags a reluctant Blair along and the fireworks start in earnest.

When the spoiled brat son of the Councilor decides that Blair would make a good "conquest", things really start happening. The off-handed seduction scene and subsequent hotel room drugging scene are very nicely done and smoothly flowing.

Jim's irate response to Blair's "disappearance" is masterfully done and the hotel room discovery scene and Jim's animalistic response to the scene is wonderful to read. The final scene with Justin coming to the loft is realistic closure.

I hope BCW does plan on writing more because her interpersonal relationships were dead on. The only thing I missed was the sex scene...honestly, there was not a full sex scene in the whole story...oh, well, you can't have everything.

Best line ever written into an aborted sex scene:

Jim felt his penis surge forward with jealous eagerness. He could almost hear it whine, beg, plead, No! Me! Hide and seek! I want to play![1]
