Backwash (Mary Renault story)

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Title: Backwash
Author(s): mysid
Date(s): 27 July, 29 August 2005
Length: 870 words (Part 1)
2441 words (Part 2)
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Part 1, Part 2 (both archived on MRF)

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"Backwash" is a short story by mysid based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It was published in two parts, but comprises a single story, though the first part is seen from the perspective of Mr Straike, and the second from a general perspective. "Backwash" is set three years after the time of the novel, while the war is still on.

In Part One, Straike is heading up the city to confront Ralph Lanyon, with whom Laurie is sharing a flat. He has just learned over lunch with his old friend, "Mumps" Jepson (formerly Laurie's housemaster), that Lanyon had been expelled from school for engaging in a homosexual affair with another student, Hazell. Part Two deals with the confrontation, at which Laurie is present.

"Backwash" is predicated on canon, since Chapter Two is all about Lanyon's expulsion. The author has supplied Jepson with a first name, "Eustace".

Comments on Part One included the following:

  • "I am flailing around in utter incoherent joy. I always wondered about what Straike would make of it all if he found out about Ralph. Brilliant start and I'm really, really looking forward to reading more."—comment by bandonbanshee
  • "woohoo - you've made it so much fun to despise Straike even more..."—comment by my_cnnr
  • "VERY enjoyable, although I think you're painting an entirely too nice Rev. Straike. Personally, I'd imagine him thinking he'd always thought there was something wrong with Laurie, far beyond being raised by Lucy (Laurie, after all, being his wastrel of a father's son.) We kow he's a nasty piece of work from his first remarks about the c.o.s when he visits with Mrs Odell."—comment by shezan
  • "Yikes! This tantalizing bit make me wonder whether the good reverend Straike would eventually go to the police and report the "unnatural" pairing...One would hope he wouldn't do it to Mrs.Straike.
    Very engrossing - you've got me hooked for more!"
    —comment by cyberducks
    • "Oh, I hope he doesn't. (It's still just a WIP, so I don't know what will happen.)"—response by mysid

Comments on Part Two included the following:

  • "Oh, this is great! One gets a wonderful sense of satisfaction seeing them stand together and take on the Straikes of this world!"—comment by trueriver
  • "Laurie with a backbone is a joy to behold - as is a semiclad and barefoot Ralph standing beside him, not daunted at all."—comment by cyberducks
  • "What a wonderful second part! I love it just like it is, although I do second (and third) all the calls for a third part. [...]"—comment by poicale