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Title: Backlash
Author(s): Joann Humby
Date(s): May–August 2003
Length: 111K / 57,000+ word count
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Backlash, Archived version

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Backlash is an X-Files story by Joann Humby.

Synopsis: "After a year on the run, a series of bombings mean that everyone agrees that it’s time for Mulder and Scully to stop running."

Reactions and Reviews

Remember how secretive and strange and mysterious the “spoilers” for I Want To Believe were when they started “leaking”? That weird video footage of Mulder and Scully seemingly talking to a therapist about each other? We think those “spoilers” could have been the impetus for today’s fic (we know, this fic was written in 2003, waaaaayyyy before the movie was even a twinkle in Chris Carter’s awful eyeballs). What if the second X-Files movie had actually been a good, old-fashioned whodunnit casefile with a paranormal twist? What if Mulder still had malingering encounters with the ghosts of friends and foes alike who refused to leave him alone? What if the casefile had been a catalyst for Mulder and Scully to finally discuss William? In short…what if IWTB hadn’t sucked and we had some kind of continuity after The Truth? We hope it would have looked something like today’s fic.[1]
