Avon at the Window

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Title: Avon at the Window; also probably was published under the title Avon, by the Window
Author(s): Nova
Date(s): 1998
Length: 8230 words
Genre(s): slash, Post-Gauda Prime
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: AO3, Hermit Library

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Avon at the Window is a Blake's 7 story by Nova. It was published in Red Rose #3 in 1998.


Summary in Red Rose, from the publisher:

Avon/Other and Avon/Blake: Post Gauda Prime. Blake is injured and only Avon can save him.

Reactions and Reviews

Ouch. I guess we are supposed to read this one in non-quite-serious, kinky way, because otherwise the situation described here becomes just way too appalling and overshadows any enjoyment one could derive from characters getting together. On the other hand, at least here Avon’s Horrible Past is not as jarring as in Outlaws and In-Laws, because this fic is much more angstier and here it’s more a center of the story. Nova is very unsubtle at laying out the angst here, crude even - and effective, considering that from all her fics, I remember this one the most and it provoked the strongest emotional response. It’s a controversial trope, and I’m not a fan of how she engages with it, but in its own way, it worked.

What I dislike, however, is that Blake is basically mischaracterized for the sake of angst. I can see him to be uncomfortable with prostitution, but I can’t see him react in such over-the-top judgemental and aggressive manner. I think it would be more realistic - and more interesting - if he tried to be understanding, but was making such poor job of it, being so clearly not okay with the whole situation despite trying to be, and it eventually lead to falling out between them. I believe he at least would bother to learn more about it and would knew how old Avon was at that time! And then I would be able to buy his more bitter and aggressive behavior PGP because well, Avon shot him, he has the right to be upset, and besides he did seem more bitter and aggressive in general in the last episode. As I said, Nova is very unsubtle here and sometimes it hurts the quality of the fic. Also, while treating domes and space stations as ordinary cities under the open sky is a very common trope in Blake’s 7 fanfiction, it also one of my least favorite ones and here it’s truly egregious in the bits set in the Space City.

The part I liked the most is the one where they are discussing the book about the prostitution. Nova can be very good in sociopolitical stuff, and those ARE the themes where I wouldn’t mind her to be unsubtle, but alas, there is too little of it in this fic.[1]


  1. ^ From the tumblr post Reviews of Some Nova’s Fics, Archived version, April 21, 2020