As Lucifer Fell

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Title: As Lucifer Fell
Author(s): Sue aka The Android
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Les Misérables
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As Lucifer Fell is a 36-page Valjean/Javert story by Sue aka The Android. It may be the first published Les Miserables story.

It was written in 1996 and included in the zine, Hysterical Historicals.

A Sequel

A Christmas Tale by Sandi Chapman is a sequel, written with Sue's permission.


"It is 1832, and Jean Valjean is languishing close to death when the intervention of the supernatural brings to his side the one man with whom he has longed to make his peace. Javert's life, too, is in ruins; dragged back from the brink of suicide he is now faced with living in a world which seems increasingly to revolve around his feelings for his former enemy, and that knowledge terrifies even him."
