Anything But That

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Title: Anything But That
Author(s): Mondie
Date(s): March 24, 2003 - February 6, 2005
Length: 67,000+ words (11 chapters)
Genre(s): drama, humor
Fandom(s): Newsies
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Anything But That is a Blink/Mush fanfic written by Mondie and posted to It received over 300 reviews and was recommended by queenitsy in the Blush ship manifesto.

Reactions and Reviews

I've been reading this fic for awhile now and I don't know why but I have problemns with reviewing things but after reading this I felt like I had to review. All I can really say about this is that it was amazing. This is probably my favorite chapter. I like how you didn't write really graph sex and focused more on the emotions. I really read fics for the emotion more than anything else. I'm an asexual so I don't really care about sex and emotions are everything and this chapter was just awesome. I love you for writing this fic and this chapter especially.

Aces beat a straights or a bunch of queens[1]

This is deffinatly one of my favorate stories. I've reread it so many It's takeing just about every once of self controll that i have to wait patiently for an update. I realy like your wrighting style. This is another great story!

SilverRain 228[2]

This is the funniest newsies story I have read in a long time. Seems like every story now involves some girl who gets lost in New York, but then saved at the last minute by some heroic newsie that she *gasp* ends up falling in love with. It amazes me how you can make each character seem so different and so real- that doesn't really make sense but oh well. I don't know where you come up with all of these ideas and then somehow tie them all back to the movie. Kudos to you! Keep up the awesome writing!


that has got to be the funniest newsies fic I have read in my entire fucking life...who ha...*rolls around on the floor laughing her head off and atracting strange looks from her parents* there's way too much funny stuff in here for me to comment on.

The Omniscient Bookseller[4]


  1. ^ Review (2005)
  2. ^ Review (2003)
  3. ^ Review (2003)
  4. ^ Review (2003)