And With Each Mile

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Title: And With Each Mile
Author(s): Honor
Date(s): June 2006 - Feb 2008
Length: 23 chapters
Genre(s): slash/incest romance/drama
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: beyondthethorns @ LJ and Team Zaylor version

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And With Each Mile is an unfinished Hanson fanfic by Honor. It was written from 2006 to 2008 and features an incestuous pairing of Zac and Taylor.

Having originally written het under another pseudonym,[1] Honor made her debut in cest with this story, which features the common trope of the brothers reuniting after some time apart. After their relationship was discovered by the public, Zac went to college in England. The story begins with the two brothers reuniting when Taylor comes to visit, and follows the rekindling of their rocky relationship.


In 2012, a group of authors effectively choosing to remain anonymous by calling themselves Team Zaylor, rewrote the story. It is unclear whether they had Honor's permission to do so.[2] In their version, Zac and Taylor's roles have been switched, with Taylor running away to England and playing the timid, innocent role, while Zac is the bad boy. They have also split most of the chapters in half and added a few new chapters of their own, although their version also remains incomplete.

Reactions and Reviews

Although her writing lacks polish at times, Honor has created a story that still works even when the characters are completely infuriating and almost impossible to read about. It’s a shame that she never finished And With Each Mile, but it ends on a cathartic note that lessens the pain. The continuation takes quite a few liberties, so I would recommend it as a standalone read and not for those who need the closure they’ll never get from this fic.[3]

I just have to say that I haven't been engrossed in something for so long that I guess I forgot what it felt like. But the moment I started reading the first chapter, I was completely enthralled. I've always been such a fan of writers who can weave a story that just takes you in and breathes life into the characters within it. You write so beautifully, so frankly, so realistically that I don't think I've ever been so impressed by anyone or anything as I am with you and this work of art. I dare even say masterpiece, at the risk of sounding like a creepy weirdo fangirl. ;)[4]


And With Each Mile was nominated for an award in the WTF? Hanfic Roast! Awards in 2010.[5] It is featured in the hall of fame.
