And I Waited

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Title: 'And I Waited
Author(s): Sarah Irene
Date(s): 2010-2012
Length: 52 chapters
Genre(s): slash/incest drama/angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: And I Waited and Safe and Sound

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And I Waited is a Hanson fanfic by Sarah Irene. It was written from 2010 to 2012 and features the pairing Zac Hanson/Taylor Hanson.

In the story, Zac is kidnapped when very young and forced into what amounts to sexual slavery. He reunites with Taylor years later, when he is going by the name Devon, one of the other kidnapped boys with whom he was very close and who he believes to be dead.

A sequel titled Safe and Sound was written, but only three chapters were posted.

Reactions and Reviews

When the truth of Zac’s identity is revealed, it’s perhaps not as much of a shock as I expected–instead, the primary emotion is relief. From there, I worry that the story could devolve into just domestic drama, and while there certainly are a few fairly pointless chapters of fluff and smut, Zac’s past looms large through the whole story, especially after he realizes that Devon isn’t actually dead. Again, I worry about their reunion, fearing a love triangle, but Sarah doesn’t let things go that far before ending the story.[1]

That was a whirlwind adventure in reading. The emotions were poor and so well written. Looking forward to there sequel.

Hi, I know I come here many years too late, but I wanted to tell you that I've been reading this story and I can't believe I missed it and how good you are! I absolutely loved it and I'm gonna read the sequel, I'm hoping to find it here, in fact I need to go over all your memories and read everything because I think you rock at zaylor!

This fic was amazing! The relationships in it were so wonderfully satisfying in spite of the tough subject matter. Thank you for writing this, and for sharing it. Soooo good![2]

I read And I Waited here recently. I just finished it today actually. It was hard to read in some parts. It was great. I just read all of the sequel that you have up. I hope that you post more.

Hi! So I just read all of "And I Waited" (in basically like...two days, because I couldn't stop reading), and oooooomg this story is so awesome. I'm so glad you decided to do a sequel. Something about the fact that Zac didn't grow up with Taylor kind of adds an air of credibility to the pairing which other stories lack, so that's really cool. I like the whole idea behind this. Very different. Can't wait to see what happens![3]


And I Waited won awards in the Blank Page Awards. It is featured in the hall of fame.
