And Death Shall Have No Dominion (X-Files story)

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Title: And Death Shall Have No Dominion
Author(s): Jean Helms
Date(s): December 12, 1999
Length: Wordcount: 517,000+
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: And Death Shall Have No Dominion, Archived version

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And Death Shall Have No Dominion is an X-Files story by Jean Helms.


Synopsis: Mulder and Scully, off the X Files for now, investigate a possible bioweapons facility. What they find there puts their partnership, their investigative skills, their love and even their sanity to a test neither could ever have imagined.

Spoilers: Through Season 6

Possible Triggers: Implied rape/non consensual sex, suicidal ideations, depression

Reactions and Reviews

Hoo boy, do we have a humdinger for you guys today. First of all, the length of this baby is of epic proportions. You’ll be hard pressed to find very many fanfictions that are over 1000K, but this is one of the rare few (we know, holy shite, right??).

The truth is that this story is really just epic in every aspect. Mulder and Scully are off of The X Files, and are sent a lead to check out a bioweapons facility in Alabama. Mulder is gung-ho per usual, Scully is apprehensive per usual, but they go anyways, and the story just explodes from there. The plot is a freaking roller coaster so be ready for a great ride, the original characters are well written and complex which is a total bonus, and the MSR is so on point.

We couldn’t put this one down, and chucked our adult responsibilities aside to finish it. It was worth every “hey, I can’t make it, I suddenly don’t feel good” text that was sent out. This fic has officially made it to our ‘Must Read’ list for any phile, and we have no doubt that it’ll end up on yours as well.[1]
