An Ever-Fixèd Mark

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Title: An Ever-Fixèd Mark
Author(s): Vyola
Date(s): 21 December 2009
Length: 3,129 words
Genre(s): Humor, Heterosexual Lifepartners, Male-Female Friendship, Best Friends, Platonic Life Partners, Platonic Relationships
Fandom(s): Modesty Blaise
External Links: AO3 Archive Link

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An Ever-Fixèd Mark was written for Yuletide in 2009 for Mara. It features Modesty Blaise, Willie Garvin & Sir Gerald Tarrant.


In which it is all Steve Collier's fault, except when it's Willie's.

Fan's Reaction

"As much as I love Modesty Blaise, I know that the series is criminally under-exposed - so I've never even looked for fanfic. But, wow, I'm glad I stumbled over this. Peter O'Donnell gave Modesty and Willie such unique 'voices,' so much so that I thought no one could imitate, or even come close - but Vyola has managed to recreate those voices quite superbly here. Even Sir Gerald is spot-on, with him looking at Modesty's latest acquisitions (nice mention of Alex from 'Salamander Four'). And the story is solid and fun, in a way that only Modesty and Willie could enjoy themselves, usually to the exasperation of others. This was wonderful - many thanks for sharing it." - Colonel_Cooper
