All Those Endearing Young Charms

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Title: All Those Endearing Charms
Author(s): Devil Doll
Date(s): 26 July 2005
Length: 862 words
Genre(s): imagined scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: All Those Endearing Charms

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"All Those Endearing Charms"[1] is a short story written by Devil Doll based on the first two books from Mary Renault's Alexander Trilogy, Fire from Heaven and (in particular) The Persian Boy. It tells about how Hephaistion sublimates his desire for Alexander by choosing a succession of other golden-haired boys to grace his bed. One evening, unusually, he leaves Alexander early to go to one. Alexander follows and interrupts, taking the boy's place, thus reminding Hephaistion that he will allow no other to come first. The story includes some explicit sex. The author acknowledged inspiration from Thomas Moore’s poem "Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms" contributed to this ficlet.

Comments received on the story include:

  • Interesting read in that each time I read it I got a new impression. The main one being...I don't know if Hephaistion's postion with Alexander was ever precarious or in danger but it couldn't have been comfortable. A story to make you think and I like it all the more for not being gooey sweet.[2]echoriath
  • Nicely done ! Painful! I wanted to stop reading it...Hephaistion's boys...tragic and so complex. I personally think, and this is not an afront to this tale! That if Hephaistion took a lover that man would have been a little older and larger than Heph was. Just a silly thought. Well not really. I have given it a great deal of consideration. But a boy... or an attempt to hold onto some bit of his and alexander's younger lives...not creepy at all, but a raw veiw of the potential of human nature. You have opened up a new door into their lives.[3]rothalion


  1. ^ Devil Doll. ""All Those Endearing Charms"". Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  2. ^ echoriath. "Comment". Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  3. ^ rothalion. "Comment". Retrieved 19 January 2013.