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Pairing: Alejandro/Tyler (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Aletyler, Tylejandro, AleTyler
Gender category: Slash
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Common
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Alejandro/Tyler, known mostly as Aletyler, is a popular pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Alejandro and Tyler; while Alejandro is a prominent character in the series, Tyler hasn't participated in a season since World Tour.

Alejandro/Tyler has been shipped as a rarepair ever since Alejandro was introduced as contestant in 2010, but the pairing only became popular after the release of The Aletyler Video in 2020 and its adoption on Total Roblox Drama as a meme soon after. The infamous video's longevity as a meme on Roblox, and consequentially TikTok, inspired many fans to ship the pairing earnestly. Its for this reason that there are more Alejandro/Tyler fanworks on TikTok than any other social media platform as of 2024.

Alejandro/Tyler may be seen as a sister ship to Heather/Lindsay, a more uncommon pairing. Lindsay/Tyler, which pairs Tyler with Lindsay, and Alejandro/Heather, which pairs Alejandro with Heather, are canon and popular with fans. Fanworks may start out as these pairings and develop into Slash and Femslash as the fic progresses.

Common Tropes

  • Tyler's Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? moment of saying "I like girls," upon meeting Alejandro in the first episode of World Tour is frequently referenced in fanworks.
  • Dom/Sub: Somewhat. Alejandro is by far the dominant one in Alejandro/Tyler works to the point that the reverse is practically non-existent, but BDSM itself isn't common in them at all.
  • High School AU: Both characters may be reinterpreted as teammates on the same sports team, or it may be that Alejandro becomes Tyler's tutor in a subject one day and the fic builds from there.
  • Canon Divergence: Common ones are:
    • When Tyler made himself imagine that the fish he was forced to kiss in the Newfoundland episode was Lindsay, (which was suggested to him by Alejandro,) it accidentally was/morphs into Alejandro instead.
    • They talk in the cargo hold to begin their relationship/continue it in secret.
    • During Niagara Brawls, Alejandro and Tyler are paired up for the challenge. Tyler is likely made to wear the dress for it.
  • Angst: Especially if a fic takes place from Tyler's perspective. Feelings realization and hurt/comfort are incredibly common.
    • Many fics have Tyler feeling guilty and confused over being attracted to Alejandro, with him still dating Lindsay. Many Alejandro/Tyler shippers believe Lindsay/Tyler is the more stable relationship and this moral conflict is very common for angstfic.
  • Height Rule: Despite being around the same height canonically, Tyler is very often described as shorter than Alejandro in fics.
  • Hypnotism: Alejandro's canonical skill as a hypnotist is sometimes used to make Tyler more suggestible.
  • Screenshot Redraws: Very common for fanart. Typically, its artwork where scenes featuring Alejandro and Heather are changed to be Alejandro and Tyler instead.
  • Terminology: Outside of fanworks, its common for fans on TikTok to describe Alejandro as a character with a lot of rizz and Tyler as a pookie bear. In this context, pookie bear is used similarly to "woobie."

Alejandro/Tyler Fandom

BNFs for Alejandro/Tyler fandom include artbyl33[1], alejucock[2], aletyleringout[3], ranrandraws[4] and kennyken226[5].

October 1st is AleTyler Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.

Pairing Names for Alejandro/Tyler

The portmaneaus "AleTyler" and "Tylejandro" were both coined as pairing names for them in 2010 and saw equal use until around 2012 or so. By 2013, AleTyler was the more prominent name. Spelling it without the T capitalized became more common than not by the late 2010s, similar to other ship names involving Alejandro, and this is their most recognized and used ship name as of 2024.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

General Fanworks

Fan Animation

Fan Art

Fan Fic


References/Further Reading