After the End (Harry Potter novel)

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Title: After the End
Author(s): Arabella and Zsenya
Date(s): 12 May 2001 - 21 June 2003
Length: 474,992 words (46 chapters)
Genre(s): Romance, Action/Adventure
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: story on Sugar Quill
story on
Potterfic Weekly PDF
Yahoo! group (defunct)

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After the End is a forty-six chapter, 475K-word Harry Potter fanfiction novel written by Arabella and Zsenya prior to the publication of The Order of the Phoenix, during the fandom's three-year summer.

The novel's central ships are het and canon-based, focusing on Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione. It is set post-Hogwarts and after the defeat of Voldemort.

The two authors talk a lot about this fic at 2002 Interview with Arabella and Zsenya.


Harry, Ron and Hermione are now eighteen, and will be acting their age. Also, though we have done our very best to stay as close to JK Rowling's world and canon, we've had to skip ahead three years and create that history for ourselves. [1]

It's the summer after seventh year, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the rest of the wizarding world must learn to live without fear. This story was written prior to the release of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.". [2]

Works Based on AtE


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A long long long time ago, while suffering through the long long long wait for Order of the Phoenix , a lot of HP fans wrote a ton load of fanfiction to tide them over (I think that period gave birth, yes to Cassandra Clare's Draco Trilogy).

This was one of them. I used to tirelessly check for chapter updates on this mammoth effort every week.

The interest waned a bit after OoTP finally got released and the ending crafted by Arabella and Zsenya was one that is entirely different from what happened in the series canon but one that wasn't so bad looking back, albeit too starry-eyed and wishful thinking. [3]

I'll finish it someday. It's like my relationship with the regular Bible, except this is the Ron/Hermione bible. [4]

I estimated on the date as I'm unsure when I finished this piece of awesome. I love this. I especially love that it seems to have been started around the fourth book and yet I see some themes in it that come in later in the series (meaning, J. K. read it too and totally loved it and used some of it).

I'm not going to drop any spoilers in here because I don't want to ruin even one bit of it but let me just say, this has become like canon to me. It's free fanfic on fanfiction but dude, I would buy this in hardback for my shelf and paperback for reading. :D That's how fantastic this is. I love it. You will too. Read it.

It is a bit hefty, it took me a few nights of reading it to get through it, but it is broken down into chapters so that works. Plus, I love me a good, long book.

I have officially erased the epilogue that J. K. gave us and replaced it with this in my mind. Just... Beyond words amazing. [5]

4.5 stars not 5 just because it's not JKR lol. This was such an amazing story.

I learned about this Harry Potter fanfic in a Buzzfeed article and immediately went looking for it. I always want more HP world!![6]

Its a fan fic and it stays true to the Rowling style. And its written brilliantly, the imagination that goes into the plots sticks to the Potter cannon.

Some points which i liked most- - The way character of Max was developed and its relationships with Molly and Bill Weasley. - The depth given to Bill, Charlie and all the characters (especially Sirius) who didn't get explored much in the original series. Not killing Sirius was a very good move. He was one of the characters everybody wanted to live in the original series. - The imagination and the story line sticks to the Potter cannon. I have read the James Potter series by Lippert and while its a good one, it somehow loses the line by its too far fetched imagination.

Points which i didn't like- - Too much cozy and intimate scenes in detail just waivers the focus from the plot and seems unnecessary. - Arthur Weasley should be tried for Nepotism. Its foolish to think that most of the powers and prodigal things are happening closely to the Potter universe. Sirius and Ron heading the Justice, Ginny a Healer, Hermione a Thinker, etc as if all the world is devoid of talented people.

All said and done, this was a very good book to go through. My suggestion to Arabella and Zsenya, keep writing, your work is equal to Rowling's work. ITS GREAT and I will be waiting for more fan fics and originals from you. [7]

Has a bunch of good ideas and the prose is well-written (especially for a fanfic). Unfortunately, Ginny is too much of a Mary Sue and an obvious Author's Pet, which is made worse by the fact that she continues to behave like an immature child throughout the story, and faces little consequence. It would have been a much better story if Ginny (and Harry) had been cut out of the story, and they'd focused on Ron and Hermoine - their arc was well-writen on the whole, and pretty sweet to boot. [8]

Extremely enjoyable holiday read. Really quite good for the fanfic genre — reminded me nostalgically of that era where the world was waiting for OotP and creative thinkers were chomping on the Potterverse. I’ve certainly read more creative takes but can’t fault this one at all for lack of imagination and a fullness of scope, and completeness. [9]

I estimated on the date as I'm unsure when I finished this piece of awesome. I love this. I especially love that it seems to have been started around the fourth book and yet I see some themes in it that come in later in the series (meaning, J. K. read it too and totally loved it and used some of it).

I'm not going to drop any spoilers in here because I don't want to ruin even one bit of it but let me just say, this has become like canon to me. It's free fanfic on fanfiction but dude, I would buy this in hardback for my shelf and paperback for reading. :D That's how fantastic this is. I love it. You will too. Read it.

It is a bit hefty, it took me a few nights of reading it to get through it, but it is broken down into chapters so that works. Plus, I love me a good, long book.

I have officially erased the epilogue that J. K. gave us and replaced it with this in my mind. Just... Beyond words amazing.[10]

Further Reading


  1. ^ from the top of the story at story The Sugar Quill
  2. ^ from Arabella and Zsenya
  3. ^ comment by Ash Wednesday (2013)
  4. ^ comment by Lindsay Wilcox (2015)
  5. ^ comment by Rachel Willis (2016)
  6. ^ comment by Jenn (2016)
  7. ^ comment by Abhishek Prakash (2018)
  8. ^ comment by Sundararaman R (2018)
  9. ^ comment by Colleen (2019)
  10. ^ comment by Rachel Willis (2016)