After the End (Charioteer story)

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Title: After the End
Author(s): poicale
Date(s): 4 September 2005
Length: 980 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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After the End is a short story by poicale based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It expands on events at the end of the final chapter of the book: Ralph and Laurie spend the night together, and talk more in the morning.


The story was beta'ed by maggiehoneybite with input from trueriver.


Comments include the following:

  • "Oh, how I wish things would go just like this after MR fades out, you and I must have been daydreaming the same things about them after the end of the book. [...]"—comment by cyberducks
  • "I'm glad you've posted this, I was really looking forward to seeing it on the page! It's so warm and cosy, and you just want to wrap it up with you in a nice soft duvet with a mug of frothy hot chocolate - aaah!"—comment by trueriver