A Conspiracy

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Title: A Conspiracy
Author(s): fanged_geranium
Date(s): 20 January 2011
Length: 679 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"A Conspiracy" is a short story by fanged_geranium based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. Chronologically, it is the final story in a series of four that flesh out events surrounding the expulsion of Lanyon in Chapter Two.


As the new Head of School, Hugh Treviss is dismayed when his brothers come to him with a plan to rid the school of Hazell, who has been swanning around in triumph.


Treviss, the pro tem Head of School, is mentioned in canon both as a friend of Ralph Lanyon and as Laurie's fencing coach when the school play had been put on the previous term. The rest of the Treviss clan, however, were created by the author. They were well received.

"A Conspiracy" was written as part of the Unwritten Charioteer Writing Project (Chapter Two). It is preceded in sequence by "Ancient History", "Confessing", and "Carter's Solution".