A Bleak Understanding in Reverse

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Title: A Bleak Understanding in Reverse
Author(s): lustmordred
Date(s): 2009
Length: 20,990 words
Fandom(s): Supernatural
External Links: story at AO3

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A Bleak Understanding in Reverse is a Supernatural Wincest story written by lustmordred. It was selected to be part of petite madame's J2-S&D Calendar Wallpaper Project.

Summary: It was hard to imagine that life without monsters could still kill them...


I think you just broke my heart. Let me check. Yes, yes, you did. Gorgeous, evocative, absolutely them in both voice and feeling. But, oh, sadness, the kind of sadness that's becoming increasingly canon. Sammy's having to remind Dean that death is just as real for them as everyone else? That, well, killed me. Check-mate indeed...[1]

Still in the mood for something with that 'hauntingly beautiful' quality? Something that will break your heart and twist up your insides. It deals with real illness and slow death and loneliness. This is sadness and suffering and very very well done.[2]

In this case, "why should everyone click on this link?" is a very good question, because this is one of the most painful fics I've read. It's also one of the most beautiful, full of hurt and loneliness, unaccepting acceptance of reality, and a fierce and angry love. I first read it years ago and I've never been able to forget it. It's a deathfic, but it's an intensely living experience. If you're in a place to read it, it's very worth it.[3]

I fucking cry every single time I read this fic, it hurts so fucking good[4]

Fan Art Gallery

Below is a some of the fanart created for this story.


  1. ^ comment left in the story post dated June 6, 2009.
  2. ^ ou-peachus And if the wings don't fail me I will meet you anywhere dated August 20, 2011.
  3. ^ "Rec by de_nugis at rocksalt-recs". Archived from the original on 2020-04-28.
  4. ^ "rec at spnrecs". Archived from the original on 2020-04-28.