'Twas the Night Before

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Title: 'Twas the Night Before
Author(s): Laurie Slicer
Date(s): 12 Dec 1996
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
External Links: [ https://web.archive.org/web/20041108143400/http://ql-archive.org/atqc/twas-the-night-before.p01 part one]; part two

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'Twas the Night Before is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Laurie Slicer.

It was posted to alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative in 1996.


Sam leaps into a roly poly little guy with a beard and Al has to deal with the man at the Project. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Sam leaps into a most unusual individual on Xmas Eve. The guy back at the project reveals that both Sam and Al are Special People (I could have told them that myself). Sam is also a Protector ( no, not from the tv show, stop humming 'In the avenues and alleyways'!!) and Al is a Dream Painter. Gets rather schmaltzy in places, but stick with it because it's mostly well written, the leapee's semi-mystical conversations with Al make him annoyed, until he learns to accept what the guy is saying, plus the ending is worth waiting for. A big AWWW! [2]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ by Philippa Chapman at Fanfic reviews? (August 19, 1998)