A World of Hurt

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Title: A World of Hurt
Author(s): Kathie Murphy
Date(s): fall/winter 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Law & Order
External Links: apocrypha: A World of Hurt, Archived version

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A World of Hurt is a slash Law & Order story by Kathie Murphy.

It was published in the second issue of the ezine Apocrypha.

The story is prefaced with: "We don't normally preface challenges, but this story is special, no matter how you look at it: to our knowledge, this is the first slash fanfic ever written with Law & Order characters in mind. Our new icon for slash is a picture of Spock -- since the first slash stories ever were written about sexual relationships between Spock and Kirk of Star Trek. While there is no graphical representation of sex in this story, we realize some readers may be offended by the content. If so, now's the time to check out the rest of the magazine. Otherwise, enjoy! -- K & K "

Reactions and Reviews

Thanks so much for publishing "A World of Hurt," and for featuring it in your Editor's Note. I'm impressed that it got a special mention, even though I understand why it almost HAD to. [1]

Sorry, Kor and Kitt. I disliked this story [A World of Hurt], and felt that it was unworthy of what apocrypha stands for. Personally, I found it offensive. If I want that kind of stuff, I'll watch Ellen. [2]

Does Kathie have an e-mail address that I can reach her at? No flames in mind for her, nor any hostility. I actually thought her story was interesting in that it didn't inundate me with more irritating sexual fantasies by starved women. I was also curious to see if she dislikes McCoy as much as I do on a D.A. level only, you understand ;) [3]

I was happy to receive comments about my story, A World of Hurt. (At least I have proof that someone read it!) However, for those of you who feel that slash has no place in Law & Order fan fiction, I would like to remind you that all fan fiction is speculative by nature. In this context, hypothesizing that Jack McCoy is a closeted gay man is no less valid than conjecturing that he was having an affair with Claire Kincaid. Neither can be proven or disproven by anything in the characters' backgrounds as we know them.

It is neither an insult to McCoy (who, after all, is a figment of the writers' imaginations), nor to the reader, to explore a different side of his sexuality. I have the right to ask "What would happen if Jack McCoy were gay?" You have the right not to read the answer I've developed. But to suggest that this type of story should not be written or published is thoughtless at best, and homophobic censorship at worst. [4]

There seems to have been some flap at some L&O sites about the slash story in the latest issue. I, for one, happened to have liked the story. Some fans seem to think that Jack McCoy was made bisexual because the author wanted to "punish" him for his manipulative behavior. I've seen a number of fan fiction stories where Jack wasn't portrayed in a honorable fashion and yet, I don't remember anybody complaining about it before. In this instance, is it because of his behavior or is it because his sexual orientation dosen't sit well with a number of people? As for those who are probably getting bent out of shape over it, they seem to have forgotten that it is only fiction, and that these characters don't exist whatsoever. We fans can take any kind of liberties we want with the characters. I also would like to discuss the issue of fairness. I'm sure that there are a few L&O fans out there who are gay or bisexual. Don't they have a right to see fan fiction on their favorite show that approximates their experiences?

Kitt and Kor, keep doing what you are doing. If some people wish to remain ignorant on this matter, then that will be their loss. [5]

I wanted to let you know that, contrary to what you might have thought, the story published in your last issue (World of Hurt, I think it was called?) is not the first (and certainly not the only) L&O slash out there. I myself have been writing L&O slash on and off for a while now, and I know of at least a dozen others, so much so that there's serious discussion of putting together some print zines. If you're interested, my webpage is located at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/3243/Trig.html (I should warn you, tho...my stuff really is slash, not just implied). [6]

Many thanks for putting my stuff in the inaugural apoc issue. I just wanted to thank Alma specifically and other people who have sent kudos my way and tell them I really have a severe blush burn, so stop. Also: thought the name's the SAMe, the gender's different. I'm female. RE: World of Hurt, blah blah. Brave to publish! However, the idea that it's just as valid to claim Jack's a closet gay as to say he had an affair with claire is kinda dubious, no? Do we think this from show hints? From the pink triangle jack wears as a lapel pin? What interests me more than the story is what it brings up-- would jack be that cavalier? We have to remember that half of us (or more or less) think he's a jerk and dislike his character and the other half like Stone. It's part a matter of taste, legal stuff, and who we think's cuter and/or a better actor. I'm actually astonished no one I know of has done a Ben-as-gay fic, no pun intended. The reasons I shall keep hidden but most people know them already, I think.

The point was that sexuality per se, particularly a stance that unjustly is denigrated in this society, is complex and the idea that someone most of us see as rampantly hetero could be closeted is intriguing and begs for more interpretation. We get Ben's revulsion, but I felt kind of cheated because the use of sexual orientation as blackmail is what's repulsive, not the orientation itself. Ben's motives need to be explored as well. (Can you tell I'm an advocate of just calling ourselves "sexual" and leaving it at that?)

Luv to y'all-- sam/jackluster [7]

The door to slash in Law & Order fan fiction opened just a crack with the publication of Kathie Murphy's of A World of Hurt in the Fall issue of apocrypha. Reader reaction on the NetForum was limited, but some readers labeled the story "revolting" while others were clamoring for more. As a survivor of several heated slash debates, I know slash is a complex controversial issue that can divide fans and is best understood dispassionately. Love it or loathe it, but understand what it is. [8]


  1. ^ Judi. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-06-05.
  2. ^ Joystar. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-06-05.
  3. ^ ROMY. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-06-05.
  4. ^ comment by Kathie Murphy, the author of "World of Hurt"
  5. ^ Lady V. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-06-05.
  6. ^ trig. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-06-05.
  7. ^ "comment by sam/jackluster". Archived from the original on 2014-07-30.
  8. ^ by Joan Crenshaw in A Slash Primer (1998)