wonder (BTS story)

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Title: wonder
Author(s): wordcouture
Date(s): May 2015 - June 2015
Length: 7k words; 2 chapters
Genre(s): Space Opera AU, Apocalypse AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: wonder (Ao3 link), Archived version
Cover art by eatje0n (2020)

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wonder is a popular BTS fanfic by wordcouture. It is an Apocalypse AU that depicts the end of the world. The main pairing is Jikook. The story is often recced by fans, and it's know for packing quite an emotional punch for a relatively short fic. Some fans will post their reactions on social media, usually saying it made them cry, and warn other fans that it will probably do the same for them.

On Archive of Our Own it is the seventh most popular BTS work by hit counts. As of February 2021, the work has over 548,000 hits, 13,000 kudos, 1,700 comments, and 4,000 bookmarks.


"You see, one loves the sunset when one is so sad." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Reactions and Reviews

This is just so heartbreaking. The Earth is a hopeless place, barren and almost unlivable. Jimin and Jeongguk find books and distract themselves with them, enjoy each other’s company through the hopelessness of it all. They find a glimmer of hope and it hurts to watch things turn for the worse[1]

i read wonder by wordcouture last night and cried myself to sleep. i dont need anyone to break my heart, i do it on my own.[2]

I am a sucker for heavy angst and space related fics. this fic fulfilled all of my expectations. I cried so much. It’s so heart-wrenching yet so beautiful. just something about this fic tugs at your heart. must read if you want to cry lol[3]

im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha[4]

Okay but wordcouture’s jikook fanfic Wonder left me more broken than when my ex tried to make me his mistress and blocked me three days after. Dude turned me into a sobbing mess, but this 7,604-word ff left “an entire ocean in my eyelashes” and now I’m numb.[5]

Okay, so I discovered this fic on twitter, because other people had read it and wrote about it - how it made them feel. It had me curious, so I clicked the link and honestly, I was confused as to how a work with two chapters and a wordcount of a little under 8K could make such powerful emotions errupt. I was expecting a higher wordcount, if I’m honest, because of how people spoke about, because of the amount of emotion they showed after reading it.

I’m really not one to cry when watching or reading anything, especially when reading, and I thought, because of its lenght, I surely couldn’t get into it fully - feel so quickly. But oh how wrong I was. Two chapters, 8K words, was all that was needed - it was perfect and I feel bad for ever doubting that. There doesn’t need to be more.

I have to say, reading this was sort of bittersweet - but I’m so, so glad I did. Bittersweet in the sense that, it’s written so well, one of the best - if not the best - work I have ever read in my 18 years on this earth. In the sense that it hurt so bad, but so beautifully at the same time. I’m not sure I’ll be fine the next few days, haha.

This work has rendered me speechless like nothing else ever has. Everything about this was so beautiful, and it’s been long since ever read anything even remotely close to its beauty.

I’ve never empathized so quickly with characters I’ve read about, and this was not even halfway through the first chapter. I immediately loved Jimin and Jeongguk in this fic, fell in love with their wonderful friendship right from the start. Like brothers, they bickered jokingly, but you could easily tell they truly love and cherish each other like no one else. They were the others everything, and this was apparent to me from the very beginning.

The writing is exquisite, mindblowingly beautiful. The way the words and sentences are put together, how some lines stand alone and make the power of those words really hit hard. Every word fits into it like a finished puzzle, every single piece put in its spot perfectly - not a single one misplaced. This, I thought while reading, is beautiful writing. Surely, this is it.

I felt as if I was there, watching them as the story progressed further. I felt every emotion, could see everything so clearly in front of me. I’m stunned at how the author made everything connect in the end, showed that every word written and read mattered in the story - made it whole.[6]

i have never read a fic that broke my heart like this. not even my main otp, but fucking hell the tears i shed were unbelievable. and like how sorry the author for writing it, i’m really sorry for recommending it too. but i don’t know if you really want to cry then just go? and read it?[7]

I read something on AO3 and i-

I'm in tears, it's been two days but the ending still affects me, help me!

You can read it if you'd like-[8]

  • au: apocalypse / space opera
  • the superior jikook fic!!
  • will absolutely make you ugly cry[9]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ "Feb 26, 2016 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  2. ^ "Oct 6, 2019 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  3. ^ "Sept 28, 2021 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  4. ^ "JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)". Archived from the original on 2023-02-03.
  5. ^ "August 6, 2021 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  6. ^ "Wonder By Wordcouture (a rant & review)". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  7. ^ "Angst Fic Rec!". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  8. ^ "Sept 30, 2020 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.
  9. ^ "fics I've read ♡". Archived from the original on 2023-02-07.