Victoria Asher

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Name: Victoria Asher
Also Known As: Vicky-T
Occupation: Musician (keytarist for Cobra Starship)
Medium: Music
Works: Cobra Starship discography
Official Website(s):
Twitter account
Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages

Victoria Asher or Vicky-T is best known as the keytar player for Bandom band Cobra Starship.

See Wikipedia for detail.


Victoria appears in a number of Bandom fanworks, mostly as a supporting character. As one of the few women of the fandom, she is often called upon in AUs that require female characters.

As of Sept 26, 2014, there were 282 works tagged 'Victoria Asher' on AO3.[1] Most popular ship tags:

She is sometimes written with other Bandom men, such as Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Mike Carden, William Beckett, and as half of one of the fandom's rare femslash pairings with Greta Salpeter of The Hush Sound.

The Fourth Wall

Victoria is known for reading fic about herself. See: Bandom and the Fourth Wall.
