Take It Out in Trade

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Title: Take it Out in Trade
Author(s): Paula Smith
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links:
inside art by Alice Jones, Huggy Bear & Hutch from "Take It Out In Trade" (copy)

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Take it Out in Trade is a slash Starsky and Hutch story by Paula Smith.

The pairing is an extremely rare one, that between Hutch and Huggy Bear.

It was originally in Code 7 #4.

Suzan Lovett alludes to this story:

There are a lot of fandoms and pairings that I'm simply not interested in. Even in the fandoms, I am very much interested in. I mean... I love Starsky and Hutch, but I don't want to draw a Huggy and Hutch, which I was asked once and politely turned that one down. [1]

Reactions and Reviews


This unusual approach to the Huggy relationship is warm, understanding, and possible. And Maureen's illo is lovely. [2]


I truly believe that it must violate some rules SOMEWHERE. :-) If nothing else, I can't help but feel sorry for any of Huggy's se partners: Must get punctured more by those boney elbows than anything else! [3]
