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Title: Love&Abuse
Author(s): saremina
Date(s): 2016 - 2021
Length: 301,006 words
Genre(s): series, slash
Fandom(s): Batman
External Links: Ao3

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Love&Abuse is a fanfiction series written by saremina. It consists of two works, pairing Bruce Wayne (Batman) and his enemy The Joker.

The first fic, Somewhere Between Love And Abuse was described by the author as a story where "Bruce tries to date Joker and keep him from finding out he's Batman at the same time. Its sequel, The Delicate And Vicious Nature of Us features a Batjokes established relationship that faces multiple challenges, including "an enemy who seems to know Bruce all too well". saremina's series is often praised for its in-character depiction of an enemies to lovers Bruce/Joker relationship.

The story has been translated into Русский, by Taiyo, and into 中文-普通话 國語 by DavyBrett.

Reactions & Reviews

On Somewhere Between Love And Abuse

This fic is fantastic, it takes a concept that some Batjokes writers have done before-Bruce dating the Joker whilst trying to hide the fact that he is Batman- and then runs away with it. I enjoy how the fic shows us the progression of the relationship between Bruce and Joker as well as the struggles- particularly when broaching the subject of Batman and Harley. There are several genuinely happy moments between Bruce and Joker as well as times in the relationship where I just want somebody -probably Alfred- to smack them both for being chuckleheads. The fic updates frequently enough for my personal satisfaction, but never feels too rushed for an update- and in my opinion it is much better to wait for a quality update than to nag for fast updates. Every chapter has something worthwhile happen in it and always leaves me wanting more. Go check it out![1]

@saremina ’s story Somewhere Between Love and Abuse is another delight! Very fun and definitely worth a read![2]

On Love&Abuse series

OMG it's finally done. One of the best fics on this site. Kept me on edge for nights![3]

[...] It really felt happy, and hopeful, and in character too... and I’m so glad I got to read this wonderful story :) it is definitely one of my favorite batjokes fics I’ve read, and the only one that manages to write the batfamily accepting Joker that reads as in character and also takes the time to explore those relationships as well. [4]

what a beautiful ending :) i absolutely adore the way you write every single character; including the most minor ones. you had me genuinely caring around jonny and others! you treat bruce & jokers relationship with so much care and thought and it makes the experience so incredible!! thanks so much for this series, i can’t wait to see if you ever continue; i’ll definitely be reading. this is 10000% my favorite fic/series i’ve ever read, i hope uni treats u well!!![5]

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  1. ^ Fae’s top 5 recent Batjokes fics you should be reading, Oct 2016
  2. ^ Rec by melamungous, reblogged by folie-destroya.
  3. ^ Bookmark Comment by Strickmaler, bookmarked 24 Dec 2021, accessed 21/2/2022.
  4. ^ Comment by ArgentNoelle on Chapter 25, 20 Dec 2021.
  5. ^ Comment by velveteen on Chapter 25, 22 Dec 2021.