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Name: (also "")
Dates: 2002-?
Fandom: Farscape
Wayback (2004)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. (also "") was a website for the fan campaign to promote and Save Farscape.

One of their projects was the cookbook Foodscape: What the Frell is That?.

Articles and FAQs

Mission and Rallying Cry

[from the front page in roughly 2004]:

Them and Us

They said no one watched it.

We were there.

They said it took too much work.

We saw intelligent writing.

They said it was too expensive.

We know the value of quality.

They said it couldn't grow beyond its core fanbase.

Yet we've grown

They said it wouldn't return.

We won.

We spent over a year saving it. During that year, we laughed, cried, cheered, and ranted, but we did it together. We remained a community as the crew told us to do. Network suits, media skeptics and viewers of other fandoms said we couldn't do it. They said it was a lost cause, that it couldn't be saved. They told us repeatedly that we were wasting our time.

However, we endured; we never gave up. Giving unthinkable amounts time, money, sweat, tears, and what felt like blood to some of us, we fought the good fight. No doubt, we appeared foolish on the outside -- Don Quixote tilting windmills. Yet within, we knew the truth of our struggle -- John Quixote braving the perils of an irrational world to save a princess. And at the end of the day, we won. Our prize: four more precious hours and the gratification of knowing we earned it. To some, it may appear that our fight is over. We won, and don't battles end when you win? Why continue toiling after the victory?

-- "What if they made more Farscape, and nobody came?"

We all know we will be there, just as we were there before. However, we also know that we alone were not enough to warrant more at the time. They look for evidence in numbers, and to show them concrete evidence that it is worth it, those numbers need to be higher. The thought of not striving for that with just as much fervor as we put into our initial struggle seems incomprehensible. To take a leap of faith and fall flat on our faces. To prove them right after everything we've given. It would seem insanity to stop now.

We never believed we were wasting our time, money, and efforts. We knew it was worth it; we knew we would succeed and prove them wrong. However, if we quit now and don't continue the struggle with equal dedication, we run the risk of ending up right back where we began. Everything would have been wasted. They would be able to say they were right after all, and we would be left with the same heartbreaking disappointment we've experienced before.

After everything we've accomplished, are you going to let them prove us wrong? [1]
