Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats

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Title: Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats
Author(s): Ethan Nelson
Date(s): 1997
Length: 25K /37K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats (MKRA)
Rogaine II: Rainy Day G-Men (MKRA)
Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats(Seriously Bent)
Rainy Day G-Men (Seriously Bent)

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Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats is an X-Files slash story by Ethan Nelson. It won a 1997 Whammy Award for Best Short Fiction.

Summary: Mulder/Skinner/Krycek. Mulder and Skinner have a shattering encounter with Krycek.

The story had a sequel:

Rogaine II - Rainy Day G-Men (37K). Mulder/Skinner. Mulder and Skinner try and salvage their relationship after their encounter with Krycek.

From the author's website:

Part One: Rogaine, Rats, and Baseball Bats (NC-17: M/K) In which Krycek happens upon Mulder at a highly vulnerable moment and takes advantage of it like the no-good bastard that we all know he really is. Please note that this is the only story I have tweaked significantly for the web site; I took out the song lyrics, because I care about you. I do!

Part Two: Rainy Day G-Men (NC-17: M/Sk) In which Mulder processes through his assault in about fifteen minutes, then seeks his revenge against Krycek. This is the worst story I have ever written, hands down, including a story I wrote in ninth grade that I actually called They're Playing Our Song, which sucks so much that I often name it as the chief cause of my many anxiety disorders.

"I have never been a fan of "Raped Today, Loved Tomorrow" stories, and so the only explanation I can give you for having written one is that as with many other things I did during that period that I now regret deeply, I was obviously insane at the time."

Recs and Reviews

Teetering on the edge of consent, or maybe as close to consent as some of these guys can get ## XF: Mulder doesn’t realize he’s being raped at first, in Rogaine, Rats and Baseball Bats, by Ethan Nelson; and the sequel, Rainy Day G-Men, is not your usual recovery story, either.[1]

Well, it's very hard to imagine a Mulder/Krycek scenario that would *not* be dangerous to their souls, I must say! I have not read much M/K, because it flounders at my suspension-of-disbelief threshold. I did read the Ethan Nelson stories, and agree with Christy that the first was better, and managed to have Krycek in all his bad boyness with a soupcon of Skippy-ness. In the universe Nelson has set up, it was plausible, too. But I'm reading them all as a/u, pretty much. That's about the only way I'd believe it, but rape is not my kink, and no way I'd be convinced Mulder would end up enjoying it, so... <shrug>[2]


  1. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 23 October 2019)
  2. ^ comment at Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (Apr 18, 1997)