Records and Information Fanzine Index

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Title: Records and Information
Publisher: Striped Tomato Press
Editor(s): Franny Moore-Kyle
Date(s): 1980-1981
Medium: print
Size: 26 pages, 70 pages
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
External Links:
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Records and Information Fanzine Index is an index to Starsky & Hutch zines. It was complied and created by Franny Moore-Kyle. The art is by Cheryl Newsome.

front cover of issue #1
back cover of issue #1


From a 1979 ad in S and H:

R&I (Records and Information) is an annual zine index for S&H fandom. The first issue, 1979, (available Jan. 1980) will include all S&H zines and stories we can find. Future issues will be supplemental and include listings by zine, by author, and by title. It will be fully cross referenced. Index of zines will include contents, listing of reviews, price and current availability.

From a 1980 ad in Zebra Three #5:

The S&H fanzine index. Completely cross-referenced index of all S&H fanfic and art prior to 1980. A must for every collection!

Issue 1

Records and Information Fanzine Index 1 was published in 1980 and contains 26 pages. On the front: "1979" - this is because the zine represents zines published up until that year.

From the zine:

RECORDS AND INFORMATION is an index of Starsky and Hutch fanzines. There are six sections:

1) Zines; 2) Novels; 3) Authors; 4) Artists; 5) Titles; and 6) Editors.

Section 1 lists contents, artists, and reviews, as well as publication and availability data. Novels are listed with the same information in section 2.

Section 3 lists authors alphabetically with their works. Artists are listed in section 4.

Section 5 is an alphabetical list of titles. Editors' and publishers' names, addresses, and publications are in section 6.

Abbreviations are listed on page 22.

Also from the zine:

Special thanks to Diana Barbour for access to her collection of fanzines and for her invaluable assistance. Typewriter courtesy Pat Harris.

The editorial:

L.A.'s fine, the sun shines most the time, and the feelin' is lay back...

Being a latecomer to Trek fandom, I'm very happy to be involved in S&H fandom relatively early. Because S&Hdom is still small, I thought an index to the fan fiction and art would be possible. (Roberta Rogrow did a tremendous job with her Trexindex, but it's a herculean task.) Two years worth of S&H zines just about made me throw up my hands in surrender.

I hope I haven't missed anything. (Art that wasn't in a zine wasn't meant to be included,) The next issue of R&I will include 1980 publications only.

The best way to make sure your zine is listed in the next R&I is to keep Striped Tomato Press informed by making sure S&H has an up-to-date listing. (Insert plug for associated zine here.) If you need stories or art, list your needs in Wants and Warrants [1]

Hope this helps keep some order in our little fandom. Keep in touch?

Palm trees grow and rents are low, but you know I keep thinkin' 'bout makin' my way back... - Neil Diamond

Issue 2

Records and Information Fanzine Index 2 was published in 1981 and contains 70 pages. It contains only info about zines published in 1980.


  1. ^ "Wants and Warrants" was the ad section in the letterzine S and H. At the time, that letterzine was considered the main method of fan communication in the United States.