The Passion Trilogy

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Title: The Passion Trilogy
Author(s): Rory V. Pascual
Date(s): 25/26 May 1998
Length: 56,363 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: The Passion Trilogy (AO3)

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The Passion Trilogy is a Duncan/Methos slash trilogy by Rory V. Pascual.

Part 1: Passion's Torment - Duncan is haunted by a shameful event that took place when he was under the Dark Quickening. However, when he tries to make it up to Methos, something unforeseen happens, which brings back a painful secret from the past.

Part 2: Passion's Captive - Methos goes on a search for the missing Duncan MacLeod, but runs into a mysterious prostitute who looks exactly like the Highlander.

Part 3: Passion's Release - While Methos plans a daring rescue, Duncan and the prostitute endure sexual torture at the hands of an evil Immortal. This is the conclusion to THE PASSION TRILOGY.

Author's Notes

WARNING! I don't want to put Eng in another tight spot (like what happened with "The Ties That Bind" (a.k.a. "Forge Story No. 7"), so I'll be telling you exactly what to expect from this story. This story is rated NC-17 because of the following: m/m content, violence, consensual and non-consensual sex, S&M and B&D. There is one scene (about the use of a fruit) in particular in "Passion's Captive" that is guaranteed to offend some people's delicate sensibilities. I wish I could say that the "banana cutter" scene is a product of my wild imagination. It's not.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Obviously, THE PASSION TRILOGY consists of three stories. And ALL three stories -- "Passion's Torment", "Passion's Captive" and "Passion's Release" -- are now COMPLETED.
Ironically, "Torment" is the first "Highlander" story I put out on the Internet. Unfortunately, I had to bring the story (not to mention my entire homepage!) down because of a rather nasty encounter with another site owner, who said that she doesn't want her HL video captures associated with a slash story. It's a wonderful thing, isn't it, to be insulted by a complete, yet hypocritical, stranger.
Anyway, the reason why "Torment" eventually came out is because of SHEILA REDWING. She introduced me to RIENNA, who gave the story its first home in Oregondonor. ENG also deserves a lot of credit. Lady Drake made beautiful cyberetchings to replace those captures that were removed. Finally, there's LAUREN ADAMS, the only site owner who was kind enough to let me use her graphics.
This trilogy is for Sheila, Rienna, Eng and Lauren. Thank you for helping me bring this story back on the web. To ANIKA JOSEPH, who loyally and patiently waited for me to finish THE PASSION TRILOGY. To the site owner who has caused me a lot of mental anguish, NO THANKS!! I don't think I'll ever get over what you did to me!!![1]

Recs and Reviews

Not my type of Rape, but might be perfect for you Now Finished! Gang-raped in the 1600’s, Duncan suffers from post-traumatic syndrome, yet wants to have a relationship with Methos, who is increasingly frustrated by his strange behavior. Methos, himself, was raped by the dark quickening Duncan, and is not too charitably inclined. Unforgettable. Passion’s Torment, Passion’s Captive, and Passion’s Release, by Rory V. Pascual[2]


  1. ^ The Passion Trilogy. (Accessed 22 November 2019)
  2. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 22 November 2019)