Painted Angels 'verse

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Title: Painted Angels 'verse
Author(s): WinJennster
Date(s): December 2013 - February 2016
Length: 133,969 words
Genre(s): Slash
Fandom(s): Supernatural
External Links: Painted Angels 'verse
Cover art by deanendverse

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The Painted Angels 'verse is a Supernatural Dean/Castiel AU series by WinJennster. As of April 2021, the series as a whole had 644 bookmarks on A03. The first, and longest story in the series, Painted Angels, has over 160,000 hits, 7000 kudos, 2400 bookmarks, and 220 comments.

In late 2016 and early 2017 a fic in the series, In My Life, drew attention for a very positive review left by an "older lady" who had never read fanfic before. The comment was screencapped and shared many times on twitter, with many fans melting at this validation and general squee. Hundreds of fans have retweeted and reblogged this from various sources, with comments such as "i'm not crying you are"[1]


Reactions and Reviews

For Painted Angels

Often when I read a fic that tells a story in two time frames, there is a disconnect or desire to get on with the “main story”. That was definitely not the case here. For me, the transitions between time lines filled in gaps and provided context at just the right moments. I don’t want to spoil, but a reveal about 2/3 of the way through the story just broke my heart. It set the stage for a significant shift in tone for the final three chapters of the fic. I must admit, the author and her characters are far more forgiving of John than me, yet that forgiveness is essential for the author to make good on her promise for a happy ending and for these damaged people to find peace.[2]

10/10. This is so angsty but also so fluffy and it’s so good. The emotions are so real and so raw, you can feel what the characters are feeling, it’s incredible. It’s really angsty in some places though, John is an abusive asshole and hurts Dean more than anyone should hurt anyone, let alone their own child. Dean is messed up, has a huge gay panic, and should really go to therapy. This is great story though, they are so fluffy and domestic sometimes. I love how their past is slowly revealed through flashbacks and memories, they’re beautiful and fit in with the story seamlessly.[3]

For In My Life

Comment by Sheila Corcoran on Chapter 3 Thu 24 Nov 2016 02:15AM EST
Hello. I found this story by google. I was looking for the movie Painted Angels, but your story kept coming up. I'm an older lady in my 60's but have an open mind, so I clicked on it. I was simply curious. I've never read a story like this with two men. Three days later, I'd finished the first story and read all the other little stories before starting on this one.
I have shed many tears over this story, but this part in particular got to me since I am Dean and Cas' age. You captured how couples are as they grow older when they're very much in love. I couldn't understand why this story wasn't a book in bookstores and my granddaughter explained to me about fanfiction and now i know. Neither her or I were fans of your source material, but we might start watching.
Thank you for such a wonderful story!

For Series

An oldie but an absolute gem of a story that leaves you feeling all mushy and gooey on the insides, while also cursing at the pain of it all. 25 chapter story with the cutest timestamps to tie it all together.[4]





  1. ^ Fandom Things on twitter, dated 2017-01-16, accessed 2017-01-17
  2. ^ "Review at". Archived from the original on 2021-04-24.
  3. ^ "August 4, 2017 tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2021-04-24.
  4. ^ "Destiel Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2021-04-24.