Love's Illusions

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Title: Love's Illusions
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: online here

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Love's Illusions is a Blake/Avon story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was in Liberator Fantasies and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Not perfect, and the idea of crossing the two dreams over doesn't entirely work (it's easier to think of Avon being angry with Blake because he sees him as wallowing in pain and guilt than the other way round), and it's only a fluff, but it's a nice fluff. High points include: Avon's rather muffed attempt at sadism (in the dream); Jenna's disgruntled response to discovering the lovers snogging; and the station-master's outraged response to Avon and Blake scrapping.[1]

"Love's Illusions" by Willa Shakespeare rounds out the zine. It's an interesting A/B with many twists, some comic, some not. Avon and Blake visit a virtual-reality pleasure palace together. Guess what each dreams of? But it's more complicated than that...[2]
