A Little Lost Fox

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Title: A Little Lost Fox
Author(s): Anna S.
Date(s): 27 July 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: A Little Lost Fox (Anna's Stories)
A Little Lost Fox (AO3)

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A Little Lost Fox is a slash X-Files story by Anna S. The pairing is Mulder/Skinner/Krycek. According to the author's notes at her personal website, the story was archived at Archive/X. It was also archived at Boys in Chains, The Basement and TER/MA and was imported to the AO3 as part of these archive collections.

Te and Spike wrote a prequel[1] with Anna's permission. Little Lost Fox 0: The Prequel was archived at The Spike's Slash Page. It was 306K in html format or 221K as a text file.

Reactions and Reviews

I don't typically like AUs. At least, not the really AU ones. Give me my boyz in the 20th century world we know. But this was by Anna, and there's been a bit of an Anna-drought of late, and so I thought, what the heck? Oh. My. God. OH. MY. GOD. I've watched virtually no Star Trek since TOS, but no matter. This is not Skinner, Krycek, and Mulder plunked into a beautifully dark Star Trek universe, but rather the people Skinner, Krycek, and Mulder might have been had they always existed in such a universe. And what lovely, twisted people they are. The most sweetly savage Alex I've ever had the pleasure of lusting after. The only thing wrong with this fic is that there isn't enough of it. Read it, read it again, and then stalk her for more. -- Rating: 5++ Lashes[2]


  1. ^ Little Lost Fox 0: The Prequel. (Accessed 22 October 2019)
  2. ^ from The Acid Desk #3