Lindberg's Legacy Press

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Zine Publisher
Name: Lindberg's Legacy Press
Contact: Ann McKannan (Elaine) and Jackie Horgan
Type: fan fiction
Fandoms: Rat Patrol, Wild Wild West
Status: defunct
URL: WayBack Archive link to publisher website
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Lindberg's Legacy Press was a Houston based fanzine publisher.

It was co-founded by Ann McKannan (Elaine) and Jackie Horgan. Elaine passed away in 1998 of ovarian cancer. Jackie died in 2000 of breast cancer.

Tribute website to one of the editors of Lindberg's Legacy Press - Ann Elaine McKannan, 1950-1998

Every Little Bit Helps

At an Eclecticon memorial gathering for Ann Elaine, a fan recounted:

I shared a funny story about Elaine and Agel and how they first met. They had been on a couple of the same listservs, and Elaine was very nervous about meeting her at this year's MediaWest*Con. Elaine had just recently started a new fannish printing service called Lindberg's Legacy Press, and no matter how often I assured her that Agel had seen and been impressed by the results, and how pleased she was that Elaine was making it possible for fen who didn't live near a good copy service to put out fanzines, Elaine was still timid about meeting the proprietress of Criterion Press, which puts out dozens of zines a year!

Well, I brought Elaine up to the Criterion Press table, murmuring encouragement all the way, and introduced the two. To Elaine's astonishment, Agel leaned across the table and said warmly, "It's a wonderful thing you're doing for fandom." Elaine just beamed. A few weeks later I was chatting with Elaine on the phone and she sounded a little bit down, so I said, in my best imitation of Agel's New Jersey accent, "It's a wonduhful thing youah doin' f' fandom!" It cheered her right up! [1]

Zines Published
