Commander Shepard/Liara T'Soni

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Pairing: Commander Shepard/Liara T'Soni
Alternative name(s): shiara
Gender category: Femslash, Het
Fandom: Mass Effect
Canonical?: player determinant
Prevalence: popular
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Shepard/Liara is a popular pairing of Commander Shepard and Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect. It can be either femslash or het depending if players created a female or male Shepard.


Liara is initially drawn to Shepard because they was touched by Prothean technology on Eden Prime. Unfortunately, as Liara is used to isolation, she confesses she always seems to say something embarrassing around other people. Her scientific interest may become a romantic attraction that Shepard can choose to pursue.

After Shepard dies at the beginning of Mass Effect 2, Liara goes out to find their body in hopes having having the Lazarus Project bring them back to life. In the 2 years it takes for this to happen Liara becomes an information broker looking to get revenge on the Shadow Broker. Despite their time apart Shepard and Liara can continue their relationship, though they acknowledge the stress of an unknown future due to Shepard's ongoing mission.


As Liara is a potential love interest for Shepard they are often paired together, and further more Shepard/Liara is typical appears using the female version of Shepard. This is likely because Liara was the only female love interest a female Shepard could pursue in game until Mass Effect 3.

Fan's have been known to debate if Shepard/Liara is the most canon relationship Shepard can have in the series, pointing out that Liara is one of the few squad members that cannot be killed.[1] Even if players are not in a relationship with Liara many still feel she harbors unrequited love towards Shepard.[2]

Common Tropes & Fanon

  • "Lots of little blue children" - in Mass Efect 2 and 3, both Shepard and Liara mention having children together. Many fanworks picked up on this and show them with a family.
  • Shepard living longer than an average human - Shepard is sometimes depicted as being able to live until they are 200+ years old due to the Lazarus Project. This is often done to give Shepard and Liara more time together as Liara, being an asari, can live for 1000 years.
  • College AU - typically with Shepard as a student and Liara as a professor.


Female Shepard/Liara



Male Shepard/Liara



  • Noel by swaps55 (2013-12-18)

Archives & Fannish Links

Female Shepard/Liara

Male Shepard/Liara

