Join Me in L.A.

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Title: 'Join Me in L.A.
Author(s): Melanie R.
Date(s): 1979
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Join Me in L.A. is a gen Starsky and Hutch story by Melanie R..

It was published in the fourth issue of Zebra Three.

It may have been the origin of some fanon. A fan in 1985 asked other fans:

I wonder where we could trace the first appearance in fan-fiction of the widely-held (and also convincing) theory that father was with the NYPD. In 'Zebra Three'#4, [Melanie R] has a story - 'Join Me in L.A.' - which refers to the NY past. Is that the first such reference? It's interesting to meet a new and different idea. [1]


The theme is "Cowards die many times before their death..." contains some flashback scenes to Starsky's father's murder.

Reactions and Reviews


"Join Me in LA" is one of the two Starsky stories in Z3IV, the other being "Another Fine Mess." Melanie handles a favorite theme ("Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste death but once") with restraint. The development of the mystery, the almost cryptic, final mountain scene maintain the tension of the flashback scenes of the murder of Starsky's father. [2]

My favorite story is "Join Me in LA" that ties in a tragedy in Starsky's past with the murders of ex-syndicate members of the present. Beautifully done. [3]

'Join Me in L.A.' is done with restraint, and the tension is maintained through the final scene. [4]

The zine's only completely free-standing piece is Melanie R's "Join Me in LA". A corpse with a bullet in its head and scars from a facelift leads Starsky and Hutch to a virtual coven of ex-Mafiosi, all living in Los Angeles under the Federal Protected Witness Program. One of them turns out to be the hit-man who murdered Starsky's father, an amoral and thoroughgoing professional who must nevertheless be protected against the "Jane Smith" who is systematically icing his colleagues. Starsky's resulting conflicts are extremely well-handled, as are Hutch's response and concern. There are no easy outs here, no pat answers or neatly tied loose ends. On the purely technical side, the story moves easily and rapidly, the dialogue is English as it's lived. To the best of my know ledge, this is [Melanie R's] first major story to see print; if she's this good now, the next couple of years should bring us portents and wonders. [5]

My favorite story was Join Me In L.A. — there's so much more plot there than normal. [6]

Join Me In L.A. — This one had me on the edge of my chair! It is easy to picture Starsky getting that obsessed with Fletcher that close. It is also quite believable that Hutch would have Starsky busted — to keep him out of trouble. [7]

Join Me In L.A. - At last, a story behind little Davey's poppa's death. I found this the favorite of the zine. I felt Starsky's pain and anger. I understood Hutch's confusion in how to help his buddy. Hutch threatening to turn his partner over to I.A.D. wasn't a betrayal, it was desperation. I don't think he would have actually done it, but I could understand if he did. [8]

Join Me In L.A. - I must admit that the quote at the beginning of this story had me wondering just what it was about and how it fit in. Well, I found out and got to read a great story at the same time. The background on Starsky did much to bring him into better perspective. It did seem to have a slight let down at the end, though the rest of the story more than compensated. [9]


Zebra Three was one of those rare zines that begin brilliantly and continue well. For four issues, Z3 maintained its high standard with a consistency seldom seen in fandom. "Bomb Scare", "Mojave Crossing", "Join Me in L.A." were strictly state-of-the-art when they were first printed, and justly remain classics even though their authors have grown beyond them. [10]


  1. ^ from Frienz #5
  2. ^ from S and H #1
  3. ^ from S and H #2
  4. ^ from Scuttlebutt #14
  5. ^ from Jane Aumerle in Star Canticle #2
  6. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  7. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  8. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  9. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  10. ^ from S and H #28 (December 1981)