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Pairing: Michael Guerin/Isabel Evans
Alternative name(s): Cliffhangers, Cliffie, Mi/I
Gender category: het
Fandom: Roswell
Canonical?: semi-canon[1]
Prevalence: uncommon
Other: See Vilandra/Rath for alternate pairing.
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Michael/Isabel is a Roswell pairing between Michael Guerin and Isabel Evans.


The pairing name Cliffhanger came from the dreams that Michael and Isabel have where they are on the cliff of the rock formation above the pod chamber. The dreams were overtly sexual and led to the revelation that the two characters had been engaged in their previous life. This ship name was sometimes shortened to Cliffie

It was a small ship, with some Roswell fans actively disliking the idea of Michael/Isabel becoming a canon ship. The two characters had previously been presented as pseudo siblings, and more conventional ships were already established, when their past life relationship was revealed. In a 2001 interview, Isabel actress Katherine Heigl implied that fan response may have impacted future storylines, and resulted in a lack of Cliffie in future seasons.

I’m not positive, but I think that the fans had a lot to do with the fact that there’s not a lot going on between Isabel and Michael, because they really didn’t like that idea. They thought it was a little incestuous. I obviously didn’t think of it that way because Brendan [Fehr, who plays Michael] is Brendan. He’s not my brother and I never played the character like Michael was her brother. I think I’ve played it more like Michael was a close friend and a confidant.[2]

Ship Appeal

Okay admit it. The idea of Isabel and Michael doesn't make you sick. Of course it doesn't, or else you wouldn't still be reading this!

Take a good look at this picture. They're a great couple. Besides, you might as well get used to it. It's destiny, something both of them are willing to explore. The idea of Roswell being dreamless and candy-free may sound scary, but the sexual tension with those couples will probably never go away. Stargazers, however, are different. I think that maybe Isabel and Alex got together when they felt a little lonely watching Liz/Max and Michael/Maria getting so intense. Unfortunately, I don't think that Alex and Isabel are going to last. Why do people hate the idea of destiny? Michael/Isabel and Max/Tess are such cute couples. Don't get me wrong, I like Liz and Maria, but it seems that the pod squad can't escape destiny, and Liz, Maria, and Alex are just going to get hurt.

I think that destiny will conquer over the humans, and that interspecies dating isn't going to work out.[3]

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  1. ^ The dreams that Michael & Isabel had revealed that the two had a romantic relationship back on Antar, but they decided against being together on the show
  2. ^ kheigl.com, Dreamwatch (UK) - May 2001
  3. ^ Isabel and Michael