He's Having His Baby!

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Title: He's Having His Baby
Author(s): rageprufrock
Date(s): 2005?
Length: 125kb
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: it WAS here

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He's Having His Baby is a Stargate Atlantis John/Rodney story by rageprufrock.

It is a sequel to He's Having Her Baby.

Reactions and Reviews

Humour. Sequel to "He's Having Her Baby." John has been suckered by an alien probe and is now having a baby for real--and its Rodney's baby--but now Rodney won't believe that he's pregnant... This sequel is, if anything, even better and funnier than "He's having Her Baby". All of Atlantis goes gaga about John's pregnancy and I almost ruptured something I laughed so hard. [1]

[rec for both "He's Having Her Baby!"/"He's Having His Baby!"]: Brilliant dialog, fun characterization, and an outrageous premise: these stories showcase the best traits of crack!fic. Pru got me with the first story-- which is not!mpreg, a fact that I repeated over and over to myself to when testing out the idea of clicking on the story -- and I ended up loving it. It starts with John being a jerk and yanking Rodney's chain, but then the joke gets out of hand, and Rodney's sweetness and concern for him ends up hurting John as he can't seem to put the brakes on the situation at all. Rodney's a force of nature in this that reality itself can't stop -- he refuses to believe that John's not pregnant. Is it any wonder, then, after being the butt of a very bad joke, that Rodney won't buy that John is really pregnant in the sequel? [2]
