Flight of the Phoinix

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Title: Flight of the Phoinix (yes, spelled that way)
Publisher: Memory Alpha II, out of Saranac Lake, New York
Editor(s): Mike Warner
Date(s): September 1976-June 1978
Medium: print
Fandom: science fiction, fantasy, Star Trek: TOS
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cover of issue #1, John Collins and Mike Warner

Flight of the Phoinix is a zine which contains non-fiction and fiction.

This fanzine was printed on one side by mimeograph. The printing is very light purple and is difficult to read in some places.

"Phoinix" is the Greek spelling of "Phoenix."

Issue 1

Flight of the Phoinix v.1 n.1 was published in January 1976 and contains 31 pages. A second printing was issued in March 1976. The editor was Michael Warner who was 17 at the time of this issue's publication.

Warner states that this story was begun in 1974.

In the next issue, Warner describes how he is writing and planning a film of "Paradox in Time," in which the Star Trek elements are stripped out for ease of production and to avoid Paramount's copyright restrictions.

  • From the Ashes, editorial (i)
  • Paradox in Time, part 1 by Lisa Wahl and Daniel Hough (1)
  • Memory Alpha Keeps on Trekkin', article by Eliot Williamson (about the history and purpose of Memory Alpha, a print zine archive created by Sharon Ferraro) (6)
  • Paradox in Time, part 2 by Lisa Wahl and Daniel Hough (9)
  • ad for "The Greatest Convention in the History of Trekcons: Bi-Centennial-10" (16)
  • Spock Vs. Daneel, article by Lisa Wahl (17)
  • ad for Star-Fleet Uniforms, sold by Bill Hickey (sizes were for only for men and boys) (18)
  • The Society for Earth-Bound Vulcans, info about the fan club by Joy Fenton (illos by Fenton were to have appeared in this issue, but did not. They were promised for the second issue.) (19)
  • Paradox in Time, part 3 by Lisa Wahl and Daniel Hough (23)
  • To Feather Our Nest, about the zine submissions (29)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

This first issue contains commentary by Lisa Wahl on the character of Spock v. the character of Issac Asimov's android, R. Daneel. The rebuttal of Asimov's erroneous conclusion that Spock and Daneel were both popular because of the their similar philosophies was concise and logically-executed, but could have benefitted from more explanation of who Daneel was, so that the arguments could be more readily understood. 'Phoinix' also has an interesting informational ad on Memory Alpha -- its function, duties, and how to submit fanzines for immortality. Anyone who still doesn't know about this ST fanzine archive should contact Sharon Ferraro. The main body of the zine is composed of a three-part novel by Lisa Wahl and Daniel Hough called 'Paradox in Time,' which is concerned with a 20th century woman who invented warp drive fifty years before Zephram Cochran even thought about it. Dr. Corina Larson's one-person ship pulls through a black hole, and is displaced to the Enterprise future, where the doctor creates the paradox mentioned in the title: even though she has the proper communications and enough power, she cannot return to the past, because her existence in the Enterprise's past would alter the Federation present. Although this time-paradox plot has been used unsuccessfully many times in past fanfic, 'Paradox' is definitely worth reading, due to excellent characterizations and several twists in the story. Corina Larson is one of the few intelligent women I've met in fan fiction who does not fall in love with Kirk or Spock (or McCoy, or...). She is dedicated to her scientific studies yet has a warm, human nature and stands alone as a strong character. Unfortunately, some of her strength of will is attributed to Janice Lester-type psychosis. Although the depictions of the regular crew are cursory at best, we are allowed to see a very rare angle of Kirk's personality at the conclusion of the novel. I have only technical criticisms of the zine, although I'm sure the editor has already spotted them: print a table of contents! Also, simpler type-setting would be appreciated because twenty-plus pages of script can become quite tiresome. The advertisements in 'Phoinix,' while very interesting, could be a little more strategically placed, so they do not interfere with the continuity of the fiction. All in all, a good first attempt. The artwork scheduled for the first issue was delayed, and will appear in the next 'Phoinix,' for which editor Mike Warner is now soliciting material. Suggested fiction and artwork topics are: time travel, sf in movies or on television and J.R.R. Tolkien. [1]

Got FOTP today and read it through before evening. I'm impressed by the writing, particularly the reviews ("Paradox in Time" was a good story, but since it was the only fiction in the zine I can't make much judgement on FOTP's literary quality yet). Altogether a surprisingly good 1st issue, Congratulations. [2]

[Asimov]: Greetings, Had I said Mr. Spook was exactly like R. Daneel, Ms. Wahl would have been right to become huffy. However, all I said was that Spock and Daneel were alike "in some ways," which is true.

[Asimov]: I appose Ms. Wahl is right in saying that Spock isn't utterly unemotional, and I suppose that she has fantasies of breaking him down. Being a heterosexual male, I don't have those fantasies, so I am willing to let it be "utterly."

[Warner]: (In the interest of fair play, and, hopefully, to the readership, Lisa Wahl's response to the above statements have included immediately following.)
[Wahl]: First of all, I was not attempting to be huffy. I realise that the Good Doctor did say that Spock and Daneel were alike only in some ways," but he certainly implied that the reasons Spock and Daneel were attractive to women were the same in both cases. That is what I believe to be untrue.
[Wahl]: Now, as to "fantasies of breaking him (Spock) down" the Good Doctor seems to be basing his judgement of all female Spock fans on the reactions of his daughter, Robyn. Perhaps I'm equally narrow-minded by using my feelings as a basis for my observations, but I try not to assume that any one person reacts to Spock as my one test-case does. As Jacqueline Lichtenberg noted, all fans seem to be seeing a different Spock. If I have "fantasies of breaking him down," they are so deeply buried in my subconscious that I am not aware of them. In fact, I consciously reject the typical Spock stories that appear in so many fanzines.
[Wahl]: The way I see Spock, he is not imperturbable, but I'll get to that in a moment. He could be reached, "broken down," but the process of change would be enormously painful. No one who really cared about him would want mt to cause such a thing. Perhaps if he did learn to cope with his human half instead of suppressing it he would be happier, but part of him would be lost. He would be a weaker person, and his regard for himself would go down considerably. He certainly would not be the Spock we all know and love.
[Wahl]: But, back to the "utterly unemotional" statement. I'd like to hear Dr. Asimov explain Spock's actions in "The Menagerie" on the basis of logic. Does he really think that Spock's smile in "Amok Time" was "utterly unemotional"? Can he really believe that Spock's well-known compassion is the result of logic alone? To see an unemotional Spock, we need only to look at "Mirror, Mirror." There is an unemotional Spock, devoid not only of emotion, but also of compassion.
[Asimov]: (As for my daughter's reactions to Spock. That was when she was 12. Since then she has reacted favorably to a number of real people, I believe. -- IA) [3]

I met Lisa Wahl at the NY Star Trek Con this month, and she sold me a copy of FOTP. I enjoyed it VERY much. Not many zines publish the variety of fiction and information found in FOTP. It's also good to see a ST zine interested in SF.

Thanks for the praise. Although PHOINIX is not intended to be strictly a ST zine. It was created to deal with all Realms of the Imagination. Hope you enjoy future issues. - MW[4]

Enjoyed #1 greatly, especially "Paradox in Time." It was very well written and well constructed. Also enjoyed the articles, including "Spock Versus Daneel" as I also enjoy straight SF and would like to see more of this type of article. [5]

Issue 2

cover of issue v.1 n.2, Michael Warner and Mindy Wamsganz

Flight of the Phoinix v.1 n.2 was published in September 1976 and contains 12 pages. The editor was Michael Warner who was 17 at the time of this issue's publication.

In the editorial, the editor talks about a film he is planning to create:

Plans regarding the making of a film based on the story "Paradox in Time"(see last issue) have begun Lisa Wahl, the author, has given consent and is very enthusiastic about the project (who wouldn't be?). The project will be headed by yours truly, and will enlist the aid of Memory Alpha II and various other institutions in the Tri Lakes area of Upper New York. Designs for sets and ships have begun to take shape on my drawing board and I am taking a close look at the story in order to begin work on the screenplay (will be approved by Lisa, of course). The film will take place on a new class of Starship (Discovery class science and research vehicle), and will have a new set of characters. These changes are being made because of copyrights (held by Paramount), and for the sake of freedom in set design (to cut down on overhead) and special effects. If any of you are musically inclined, or know anyone who is, and would like to help us out; we need music written for the song "Time is My Friend"(from "Paradox in Time"). If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible.

  • From the Ashes: Future Flights and Sights, editorial (1)
  • Beside the Golden Door, fiction by Michael Warner ("Who will remember us when we're gone?") (original science fiction) (2)
  • "Young Editor Publishes What He Wants to Read," news article by Helen Ward, reprinted from Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 10, 1976 - topic is Michael Warner, the editor of this zine. The topic is the meaning and purpose of science fiction literature and how it has evolved from the early days where "bug-eyed monsters" and "mad-doctors" of the past gave it a bad name.)
  • Crabapple Luck by David Fox ("A tale of knights, fair maidens, and misadventure in the days of yore.") (original science fiction) (5)
  • Random Elements, article by Bruce K. Bradley ("Through a mirror brightly - a look at alternate worlds in science fiction." - discussed "Man in the High Castle," "Mid-Summer Tempest," and the Amber Series.) (7)
  • Vulcan Architecture by Joy Fenton ("These illustrations were omitted from #1, and are presented here as promised.") (Star Trek: TOS) (8)
  • The House of Future-Past by Michael Warner ("There are none so blind...") (original science fiction) (9)
  • poem by Blackwolf (Star Trek: TOS) (10)
  • To Feather Our Nest, letters from Patrice Cullen, Leslie Fish, Issac Asimov, and Lisa Wahl (10)
  • Readership Poll (12)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

I found your magazine (#2) to be very entertaining and creative, especially the two stories you did. I think you have a very strong descriptive style of writing. You stimulate the reader's imaginative faculty, and you motivated the esoteric side of me. [6]

The typing in #2 was much improved over the first issue. The fiction, well, you've taken an incredible step down from FOTP #1. Specifically, "Beside the Golden Door" is a very old theme told in a not very original way. "Young Editor...." sounded rather egotistical, not that I didn't like it. "Crabapple Luck" was sort cute, but even satire has to be more believable than that. Four days? With water, anyone could easily survive at least a few weeks even if no food was found.


I'm not sure what I should say about FOTP since I am known to be a very hard critic.


Since I got a free copy, the price was just right. I think that, unless you are paying your contributors, or unless some attention is given seriously to [the method and style of printing], the price is high.

Overall, it would be difficult to make a judgement without understanding just what your aspirations are with respect to the circulation of your publication; that is, just how many of which people you are hoping to reach. Two ways, out of many, of looking at the situation are these: publish what you personally like and let the magazine find its readers; or, know who you want for readers and publish what they would enjoy finding. The trouble with the first way is that it is often a discouragement to find how few are those who are enthusiastic about exactly the same things we ourselves are. The trouble with the second is it always seems a pander. The solution may be to dress up what we personally want to heat in a style that others find attractive. There are many difficult questions raised here with which I am unprepared to deal with at the moment.[8]

Issue 3

Flight of the Phoinix v.1 n.3 was published in May 1977 and contains 17 pages.

front cover of v.1 n.3, Clair Ribaud

From the editorial:

In the last issue, I announced plans for a Star Trek based movie called "Paradox in Time." This project has been shelved for the time being, due to the lack of interest and enthusiasm on the part of many of those who originally planned to take part in it. This movie may yet be made sometime in the future. I must apologize for my ignorance in regards to "Time is My Friend" already being a song. Lisa Wahl, author of the story "Paradox in Time," sent me a copy of the original music, and thereby cleared up the matter for me. Thanx Lisa.

Speaking of computers, I came across an item that I thought might be of interest to the readership. The following is from a recent article in CHRSITIAN LIVE magazine: "Dr. Hendrick Eldeman, chief analyst for the Common Market Confederacy, announced recently that a computerized restoration plan is already underway in Brussels, according to the ALTOONA MZBHOB (Pa) The Beast is a gigantic computer that takes up three floors at the Administration Building of Market headquarters. This self-programming unit has over 100 sensing in/out sources. Computer experts have been working on a plan to computerize all world trade. This master plan involves a digital numbering system for every human on Earth for buying and selling. The number would be invisibly 'laser-tattooed' on the forehead or the back of the hand and would show up under an infra-red scanner to be placed at all check-out counters and places of business. Dr. Eldeman suggested that by using three sets six digital units, the entire world could be assigned a working credit card number. Credit notes would be exchanged through a World Bank Clearing Center." It is interesting to note that the above system was prophesied almost 2,000 years ago by John. In the Book of Revelations, chapter 13 verses 16-10, it states: "And he shall causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bound, to receive a mark on their right hand or foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Are these the last days? Think on it.

One of the poems:

There once was a Vulcan named Spock
Whose hobby it was things to grok.
"Human beings," he said,
"Are a pain in the head."
"Grokking them's a very great shock." -- M. Warner

  • From the Ashes, editorial by Michael Warner (1)
  • The Future of Star Trekkin', article by Sylvia Hunt ("Star Trek will never die because its spirit is undying. Sylvia Hunt takes a look at what makes Star Trek tick.") (Star Trek: TOS) (3)
  • Encounter in an Empty Place, fiction by Mike Warner ("A second encounter with Cantos, the storyteller of Thave.") (original science fiction) (6)
  • Shadows of the Allegorical in the Lord of the Rings, article by Eric Holz ("A brief look at symbolism and allegory in Tolkien's masterwork of fantasy.") (Lord of the Rings) (8)
  • poetry by Marilyn Pehr and Michael Warner (both original science fiction and Star Trek: TOS) (15)
  • To Feather Our Nest, letters of comment (16)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

I am writing this note because I just received your Phoinix #3 and I wanted to applaud you efforts. Unlike a few of your readers, I contend that your zine is improving in quality with every issue. After reading your "Encounter in An Empty Place" I would like to see a longer piece in this same vein. Our two zines's both view SF from different perspectives, and hopefully are enjoyed by all. Again, much success with Phoinix. May it fly to fans forever! [9]

Issue 4

Flight of the Phoinix v.2 n.1 was published in June 1978. It contains six articles and is 20 pages long. This was the last issue to be published.

cover of v.2 n.1

From the editor's farewell:

It is almost a year and a half now since I put out the first issue of this zine. Since that time there have been many changes in my life, and, necessarily, in the "feel" of PHOINIX. And now, I must say farewell to you all, for with this issue PHOINEX ends its short life. What I have done in the past has been a rewarding experience, but I just can't do it by myself any more. I hope that the past three issues have been of some interest to you, and that this issue will be equally interesting. Being chief-cook-and-bottle- washer for this project is not quite so easy now (it never really was) that I am involved with so many other exciting things... One being my novel {a fantasy), which I hope to complete and release by the end on the year, be on the look-out for it, O.K. In fact, as a little added attraction, I have included at the end of this mess, a little foretaste of what my book is about.

  • Excerpts from a Review of Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" -- The Price of Fantasies by Richard Adams (1)
  • Arthur, Logres, and the Search for Security: A Reflection on the Dream, essay by John Roberts (5)
  • "Griffin, art " by S. Carter (7)
  • "Et Tu Brute?, " essay by Joadie Lilley (8)
  • "Phoenix, art " by John Collins (9)
  • Beyond the Walls of the World: The Nature and Value of Fantasy, essay by Michael Warner (10)
  • To Feather Our Nest, One Last Plume, a letter of comment (16)
  • Ashes to Ashes: A Farewell to All by Michael Warner (the editor bids farewell and an end to this zine, plus an excerpt from a fantasy book Warner is hoping to publish: "What I have done in the past has been a rewarding experience, but I just can't do it by myself any more. I hope that the past three issues have been of some interest to you, and that this issue will be equally interesting. Being chief-cook-and-bottle-washer for this project is not quite so easy now (it never really was) that I am involved with so many other exciting things.") (16)


  1. ^ from The Halkan Council #16
  2. ^ from a letter of comment by Leslie Fish in the second issue
  3. ^ from a letter of comment by Issac Asimov in the second issue
  4. ^ from a letter of comment by Patrice Cullen in the second issue
  5. ^ from a letter of comment in the third issue
  6. ^ from a letter of comment in the third issue
  7. ^ from a letter of comment in the third issue
  8. ^ from a letter of comment in the third issue
  9. ^ from Anthony Targonski, editor of Droid & Tribble