a drabble about Laurie's mom

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Title: a drabble about Laurie's mom
Author(s): Laura Mason
Date(s): 6 January 2007
Length: 100 words
Genre(s): vignette
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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This drabble by Laura Mason is based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It features the hero's mother, after her remarriage (which took place during the course of the book).


While making tea, Laurie's mother contemplates her life with her new husband.


Laura Mason wrote this short untitled piece, which is generally referred to as "a drabble about Laurie's mom" (part of the title of the post), in response to a discussion of Laurie's mother's character by the members of the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community.[1] As originally posted, the drabble was buried in the discussion; but, on request, it was pulled out for a separate post. Even so, the reposted drabble is prefixed by a long preamble quoting several of the participants in the discussion.


Despite its brevity, the story received the following comments:

  • "I think it's great that lorie945 turned our discussion into drabble that gave us such an new and interesting perspective on Lucy." comment made by weavinghugo
  • "How many sentences was that? Seven? And I am struck with a deep sadness (honestly, I teared up) and a sense of sympathy for Lucy...all those little things do add up without us realizing it. [...] [P]eople can be/become evil by the most seemingly mundane acts, until it culminates with a soul-killing evilness." comment made by poicale


  1. ^ This discussion occurs among the comments to a post on maryrenaultfics made by my_cnnr on 4 January 2007 (accessed 29 June 2011).