Desideratum Series

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Title: Desideratum Series
Author(s): Laura Blaurosen and Rachel Anton
Length: 594K, 32,000+ Word Count
Genre(s): het, Angst, MSR, NC-17
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here at Agents in Peril

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Desideratum Series is an X-Files story by Laura Blaurosen and Rachel Anton.

Synopsis: Scully is kidnapped by a homicidal woman who wants Mulder for herself.

Reactions and Reviews

I love any story where Moose and/or Squirrel gets tortured. I'm not sure what that says about me, but this story has awesome ScullyTorture, great angst, great MSR, great suspense, and great characterization. Oh, and great sex. After six years of restraint, Scully and Mulder want each other so bad they're both going a little insane. But as soon as they try to do something about it, Scully gets kidnapped by Mulder's stalker cleaning lady. [1]


Today’s fic is somewhat unique in that Scully is the actual casefile. The cold open starts with her disappearing, then the fic proceeds to timejump back and forth between Mulder trying to find out what happened to her and the pair’s angst leading up to her disappearance. Mulder also has help in his search from an unlikely source. [2]
