Decisions (Purposes of Love fic)

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Title: Decisions
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 19 January 2013
Length: 1643 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Decisions (LiveJournal)

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Decisions[1] is a short story by fawatson based on Mary Renault's Purposes of Love. It was written for the Brigit's Flame January 2013 challenge. The story was also inspired by an unfilled request by queen_ypolita made for Yuletide 2012.

Told from the perspective of Colonna, one of the characters of Purposes of Love it shows a period before the book, and before Colonna decides to train as a nurse, but is living in her family home, bored and unfulfilled, feeling stifled by the convention life of a middle class girl of the period. The story shows how Colonna breaks out of the mould with the help of her mother. It also provides an explanation for her name.

Comments on the story include:

  • Perfect timing! A well-crafted back-story for Colonna, very enjoyable to read, featuring of course all the detail I love, and some effective, subtle touches of humour too. Thank you for this! :)[2]—trueriver
  • This is delightful. I particularly like the turnaround in our perception of Colonna's mother—far more perspicacious and sympathetic than either we or she imagine at the beginning. [3]—greerwatson


  1. ^ "Decisions " by fawatson Accessed 07 May 2013.
  2. ^ by trueriver, 19 January 2013. Accessed 07 May 2013.
  3. ^ by greerwatson, 20 January 2013. Accessed 07 May 2013.